(35) Confession

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I remembered how I yelled his name in that dark place.


I remembered how no one answered no matter how many times I called their names.

"Please someone."

I hoped for anyone to come save me from that black darkness.

But no one did.


I woke up panting as I looked around the room in shock. I forced myself to take deep breaths in and out and I gulped heavily.

Where was Madara?

He had told me he was going to explain to me everything that happened and I had somehow fallen asleep from waiting.

I sat up straight in bed and it wasn't until I heard a soft groan that I realized that Madara was in fact in the room.

He was reading a book.

He was silent and for some reason I had a feeling he already knew what was on my mind.

He immediately closed the book as he stared into my eyes.

"So...you want a reason?"

I nodded.

"You want a reason as to why I brought you here?"

I nodded yet again."

He ran his fingers through his black raven hair before looking at me.



"I'm selfish. There...that's your answer."




His eyes widened. I'm sure he hadn't met this side of me, the side that wanted answers and was desperate to know why he had done this.

I had bottled up all my emotions but now I wanted them to go free.

I wasn't mad but I wasn't happy.

Madara scoffed before giving a slight smile.

"There were two things left that I valued over my life. You and my plan."

He looked down at the bed sheets,"I wanted you so badly and before I even knew it you were in someone else's arms. There was something I wanted to tell you."

"Mitsuko... I...."


"I really appreciate you. I need you."

I felt my cheeks heat up and he looked away from me. He was flustered.

I bit my lip.

How could I be upset with him when he was acting so adorable.

I wrapped my arms around him as I laid my head on his chest.

He was warm.

"Your father...your sisters....they're not dead they'll be arriving here shortly."

My eyes widened,"Heh?!"

He looked down at me with calm eyes,"I wanted to surprise you."

I blinked a few times.

"You suck at surprises."

He smiled before running his fingers through my hair.

"Forgive me if I've been rough with you lately. I refuse to lose you off of my carelessness."

I nodded slowly.

There was a silence before I felt my cheeks heat up even more than before,"So at what point did you decide you couldn't live without me," I asked.

He looked away from me and rolled his eyes, "Don't flatter yourself."

He put his hand on my cheek, "I simply couldn't allow Tobirama have you. He took away something very dear to me once so I wouldn't stand around to watch it happen again."

I smiled slowly before looking down at the ground.

There was so much I didn't know about him. There was so much I wanted to know.

A heavier blush made its way on my face and I smiled at Madara.

"I'm happy," I said.

Madara looked at me with slightly surprised eyes.

He frowned slightly,"I thought you were angry at me?"

I nodded,"Angry no, sad yes...but feelings change. I'm happy now."

There was a silence.

"I know that what I said back then is still true even now. I told you if you changed I'd adjust and I like you even better now that I've got to see more of you. You need to hurry up and show me everything."

"There are ugly sides to me Mitsuko," he said in a warning tone," There are sides that I rather you not see. You are too innocent."

I sighed,"I wasn't asking you. I was telling you. I don't want part of you I want all of you... is that to much to ask?"

"Oh? Is that right? Okay. I've warned you though."

I nodded,"If it's you I'm willing to go through it all."

"Promise me."

I smiled before resting on his shoulder,"I promise."

Madara slowly wrapped his arms around me in silence.

I stayed there quiet for a while before I looked up at him, "What did you do after you transported me here."

He stared down at me,"You're still curious?"

I nodded.

"I abandoned and attacked the village."

I stared at him with shocked eyes,"Please tell me the rest of that later."

He stroked my hair,"I wasn't planning on letting you know any more... at least not yet."

I slowly put my head on his chest and he simply sat there for sometime before he laid down on the bed slowly. I took the opportunity to take him and I glomped myself on top of him.

He gave a slight chuckle at the sight as he stared down at me.

I slowly took some of his hair and played with it slowly with my fingers.

I looked down at it with a smile plastered on my face.

He had done all of this because I had managed to get him to like me.

It was reassuring.

My hard work paid off. I had done it. He had said it himself he needed me.

I mentally gave myself a pat on the back.

I smiled as I looked up at his face and as soon as I did he wrapped his arms around me.

I snuggled against his chest in silence before falling asleep again.

This time with no nightmares.


Chapter 35 | Confession




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