(21) Forever Closed

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Merry Christmas everyone :)


Mitsuko POV

I'm overwhelmed with happiness. I can't seem to think of anything but Madara and It's making me beyond happy.
My family's already noticed how I've been and they are concerned but it doesn't matter to me because I'm extremely happy.

Every time I think about it my heart feels warm. Madara was so...nice.

I continued my happy skipping in a circle until I got bored and I just decided to sit down in one place.

My shift was at afternoon and I felt like doing something that I hadn't done in a while.

I wanted to go visit grandma. I wondered if she would be surprised like last time.

I smiled. Maybe.

I asked my father and we decided to go as a family tomorrow to go visit her.

So we went as a group and my sisters complained and fought all the way there.

I was one hundred percent done with them by now but I put up with it simply for the sake I didn't want to upset or blow out father's eardrum.

We continued walking until we got to the village and it was exactly like last time for me.

It was still happy just less populated. I walked towards the Southside of the village and my sisters stared at our old house in bewilderment. Soon enough, we came to the same colourful cottage and I ran ahead of my family to knock on the door but no one answered.

I frowned. Maybe she was still sleeping. I looked up at the sky and then back forward. Something about the situation was starting to make me feel uneasy.

By now my family had caught up to me and my father looked at me.

"What's wrong Mitsuko? Did you knock on the door?"

I nodded and his eyebrow furrowed,"Are you sure?"

"Yes," I said quietly.

He looked back at my two little sisters and back forward,"I'm going to go get them something to eat. You need to find out what's wrong."

I watched them walk away slowly and I immediately pulled on the doorknob. The door didn't even move so I began to kick it. Finally, it cracked and from there I literally got rid of the door.

I was probably overexaggerating but then again it was possible I wasn't also.

Once inside I went on a rampage trying to look for her and I found in her small room sleeping. I gave a sigh of relief and headed towards her with a frown.

Did this mean I would have to repair her door? I shrugged before crawling beside her.

I stared at her awfully pale skin and knelt down towards her.

I patted her but to my surprise, she didn't get up.

"Grandma wake up."

She didn't move.

I shook her, "Wake up grandma!!!"

She still didn't respond and I started to get worried.

I shook her violently and I still didn't get an answer.

A scary feeling began to sink into me and my eyes widened.

Deep down I had an idea of what was going on but I refused to believe it. By now tears were running down my cheeks.

Was she... dead?

I shook her violently before checking her pulse and trying to keep myself under control.

I could feel nothing. Her pulse... was gone. I stood up straight looking at her trying to contain my tears.

I knew she was going to die one day but why did it have to be now? I didn't get to tell her that I and father were back on a good page and how well things were going.

"Grandma," I mumbled quietly with a sorrow stained voice.

I closed my eyes as I felt more tears run down my cheeks.

I felt completely hollow for once.


Father ended up coming back and finding the situation I was in.

He was as shocked as I was and avoided telling my sisters at all cost. Although, our efforts really didn't do anything.

They eventually found out. We had a funeral and although everyone was crying and in tears, I didn't. Nothing fell from my eyes.

I was sick to my stomach and bring in such a gloomy atmosphere only made me feel dark and tired.

Afterwards, I kept myself confined in my room where no one could see me.

Only there would I cry when it was safe.

Where no one could see how distressed I was.


Chapter 21| Forever Closed




Through It All | Uchiha MadaraTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon