RED Sniper x BLU Reader part 2

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(Don't hate me but this part has been done for a while. I just never published it. I forgot 😅 I was wondering why I wasn't getting notifications)

It's been about a day or so since the encounter and you hated to admit it but, you were excited to see him again. Sure he was the biggest threat on the battlefield as everyone knows a sniper is sniper's biggest enemy but, you true were excited.

Ceasefire was going to be over in about two hours and the next match would begin. You walked out in your uniform and sat on the couch in the rec room as your other team members were preparing as well.

However your peace was short lived as scout sat himself next to you, winking as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders. You easily brushed him off and rolled you eyes "Scout come on, be serious." He frowned for a second only to smirk again "oh I am babe, serious about you!"

You got up from the couch and headed to your room while shaking your head "I'm sorry but I am NOT interested."

Closing the door to your room you noticed you had about 10 minutes before the round started. Should you have even come in here? Maybe not. But then again you did start to sweat while on the couch, why not change into a fresh uniform?

*Time skip to the match*
You loaded your rifle and stared right at his spot. Luckily while sniping at his team he didn't spot your new spot. While you did want to see him again you couldn't help but be thankful he hasn't spotted you, or even fired at you.

His shot rang out as you team's medic fell to the ground with a quick scream. You looked all over the battlefield hoping to find out where that shot came from.

Yes you wanted to see him again but you also wanted the first shot between the two of you. But nothing, you couldn't spot him or perhaps the glare from this scope.

Oh well so you turned the scope on his medic and pulled the trigger. His medic fell and you smirked. You just wanted to make him mad so perhaps he would make his spot obvious. Again nothing.

Now that you thought about it your shots were the only ones sounding through the battlefield. Did spy get to him first? He was probably just re spawning after all. That was until you heard a creak "OH SHI-"

You dropped your rifle and brought out your kukri and swang at him and he jumped to the side and easily dodged your attempt. Unlike you He has form in his swings and did at the right times. You on the other hand sucked at close combat and would aimlessly swing hoping to strike your enemy.

You then thought about what he said. He would get you and You wouldn't see him when he did. He literally crossed the battlefield to get you. Almost like a spy would.

He smirked and lunged towards you tackling you to the wall of your post. Knocking things over in the process. With the air knocked out of you, you dropped you kukri and opened you eyes to his kukri on your neck. "Got you"

He whispered to you. You simply stared at him with a surprised look on your face, mouth open. "You literally crossed the b-battlefield!" You choked out hoping the blade wouldn't cut your neck open, it was close enough.

"Well I kept my word didn't I?" He said with a smug look on his face. You nodded slightly dropping down hoping to get distance from him and you. You were practically pressed against him. He simply pressed the blade against you neck with more pressure to prevent you from sliding downward anymore.

Wow you hoped you weren't the only one feeling this tension. You just wanted to touch him perhaps. So you did. You brought your hands up from being placed against the wall by your hips up slowly to his chest and placed them firmly against him.

He watched your hands the whole time tightened the grip on his kukri before bringing his eyes back to yours. "What are you doing?" He whispered. You didn't answer but once again slowly moved you hands, this time to his face.

His grip softened on his kukri and he simply stared into you eyes as he lowered it. Your breaths were slow and you wrapped your arms around his neck. Before you knew it your lips was on his. He stiffened at first but relaxed into it.

He then lifted you up by your legs and held you against the wall while keeping his lips on yours. He was a rough kisser and smelled of coffee, you didn't kind.

You both separated for air and he kept his eyes on you while holding you against the wall still. You spoke first "I-I, This. I shouldn't have..."
He didn't speak for a second but placed his forehead against yours "yeah, it was wrong. But ironically it felt so right. I actually wouldn't mind doing it again."

You laughed and he let you down slowly and you walked over to look out the window of your post. He didn't move from his spot but simply watched your every moment. "The match is almost over. It looks like Your team is winning, well I guess this is it" you stated and he raised his eyebrow with a flat expression.

"You failed" echoed into you ears from the battlefield but his ears heard "Victory" he knew what you meant now.

"You for sure get to kill me now. But please make it quick. I tried to do the same for you." You said with a slight smile.

He reached for his kukri sparkling with red sparks and picked it up. "I'll try." He simple stated before kissing you on the forehead which for sure made you smile.

"Until next time" you stated before he brought his kukri down hard hoping to grant your wish.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 13, 2019 ⏰

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