Scout x shy winged reader

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(Wow a lot requested this. And that pic tho >\\\< and sorry but I mixed two requests in one . I thought it fit).
(T/c) = team color

You fluffed your wings and spread them out examining them. Would they judge you?! A lot of people did.

You didn't want the government did get ahold of you so you joined (t/c) . Yes a war, but it was far enough from society.

Your (h/c) hair pulled back. And your (e/c) eyes looked out the train window. You leaned back but yelped as the train thrust you forward as it stopped.

Peeling your face off the train seat in font of you checked your wings. Okie dokie. You sighed in relief and walked out to see a boy.

He looked no older than 25 and looked like he played baseball. Was he lost?

He looked up at you and you quickly hid your wings. "Oh hey! You must be (y/n) ! Nice to meet you I'm scout!" You shyly shook his hand. "Yup...." You whimpered .

He smiled . "Nice to know there's a girl on the team now. And pretty shy too. That's alright. I kinda dig shy girls too. But mostly nerdy like miss Pauling. You know the woman who hired you." He nudged you with his elbow smiling and winking.

You giggled slightly and blushed . Now that think about it. He's kinda cute.

Feeling relaxed you let your wings slip and as soon as his eyes laid upon them he screamed. "Oh my god ! Oh my god !!"

You flinched "damnit (y/n) ! You always mess up!!" You told yourself. Slowly backing up you lifted your wings to full length.

"I know I'm a freak... Just .... I'll leave . I'll go now!!" You shouted and flapped your wings down hard. Making you take off into the sky with amazing speed.

You were pretty far from the train station and thought you were on a RED or BLU base . (It's the enemies so pick the opposite color of your team)

You wiped your tears. Why couldn't you be like others!? Strong and ... And ...... Normal....

" (y/n)!!!" You turned and saw scout. He was a little aways from you and looked kinda .... Sad?!

You didn't want to see him or him see you . He would make fun of you after being shocked. Like the others .

You took off flying and heard scout "no (y/n)!! That the enemy base!! Look out for the sniper!!"

You didn't even turn around before hearing a loud bang and felt a burning and very painful sensation in your left wing.

You fell towards the ground quicker and quicker before it went black.

You woke up to a beeping sound and saw scout knocked on a chair next to you. You blushed as you saw his hand on yours.

A door bust opened and you shrieked. A man with a lab coat came in. "Ah. You are okay?" You nodded and shrank into the blankets.

"I'm the medic. Nice to meet you fräulein . " you took his hand slowly "nice to meet you sir..... I'm (y/n)." You shyly whispered the last part and he laughed.

"No need to be shy. And I must say what lovely wings you have." You smiled. That's a first. And it was wonderful." Thank y-you.."

He nodded and a dove landed on your head chirping. Medic looked like he was gonna say and do something but you chirped back mimicking the sound.

The dove chirped back . "Y-you can talk to it?!!" You nodded "wunderbar!! A new experiment!!~" he sang the last part walking out.

You turned to look at scout and and met with blue eyes making you jump. He just stared at you then pulled you into a hug .

"(Y/n) I'm so sorry !! I didn't mean to offend you! Plz I-!" You pulled him into a hug. "It's okay scout." "R-really ?!!" He asked brighting up.

You nodded "yes it's okay ." He pulled you in and your lips met. Your eyes widened in shock. It took you a second bit you kissed back.

He pulled away. "Im Sorry . But your real cute and..." You shushed him. "Scout it only took me a bit to kiss back because no one has ever done that. " you two kisses once more.

*time skip (2 weeks)

Your wings were healed and you fluffed them out. It's been a while since you done that.

Your team was use to your wings and thought they were cute or cool. Medic loved them a bit too much tho. And your bird talking skills.

You were chilling with your boyfriend, scout. "(Y/n)?" You looked at him "yes?"

"The first time we met . You took off really quick. So do you ... Uh wanna race?"

You shyly looked at them . "Are you sure? I don't wanna hurt them again. Or wind up with medic for two more weeks."

He grabbed your hand and took it in his. "I'll kill anyone who will hurt you (y/n). " you smiled and kissed him.

Standing up and stretching your wings you lined up with scout. "Just try to beat me babe." You smiled "I will. My good looks will distract you." Giggling he pointed out a finish line .

"Ready....... Set........ "

"Go!!!" You both shouted taking off.

(Yay! What do you think? And sorry for mistakes . I'm always lazy to go over stories .)

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