he has marijuana

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"Woah Woah Woah John I was just joking--" he smiles at me and said " come on let's go on an adventure" Bender comes out of the library doors followed by everyone else. Bender and Claire are walking next to each other. Brian and Andrew are walking next to each other and at the end of the line, Allison and I are following. Clare then said to Bender

" How do you know where Vernon went?" He laughed turning to her and said: "I don't..." She looked at him and said, "Well then, how do you know when he'll be back?" Then I said "I don't think he knows... But being bad feels pretty good, huh?" Bender smiles at me and then I hear Brian saying to Andrew "What's the point in going to Bender's locker?"

Andrew shrugs and said, " Beats me..." Brian continues his rant " This is so stupid...Why do you think, why are we risking getting caught?" I then said "I dunno..." He continues " So then what are we doing?" Andrew and I both said," You ask me one more question and I'm beating the shit out of you!" He turns to me and chuckles I smiled " Sorry..."

Bender opens his locker " Slob!" Said Andrew " My maid's on vacation." He and Bender pullout a bag of marijuana "Drugs..." I said breathlessly " Screw that Bender...put it back!" I laughed and said "John I was joking about getting high" I saw everyone glaring at me Bender walks away. The brain then said " Drugs...the boy had marijuana." Claire walks after Bender. " That was marijuana!" He said, " Shut up!"

I said following bender Andrew follows us. Brian looks at Allison who is standing there with her mouth open. " Do you approve of this?" Brian turns and leaves. Allison steals the lock off of Bender's locker. We see the crowd walking down the hall "We'll cross through the lab, and then we'll double back" said Bender " You better be right, if Vernon cuts us off it's your fault, asshole!" I said brian to turn to Claire

" What'd he say? Where're we going?" We hear Vernon down one of the halls. We all started running around trying to avoid Vernon until we see him walking in another until we stop. " Wait! Wait, hold it! Hold it! We have to go through the cafeteria!" Said bender Andrew intervened and said, " No, the activities hall." Then I said " no the caf is a better option the activity hall might be closed"

bender nodded at my statement and said, " Hey man, you don't know what you're talking about!" He gets angry and said, " No you too don't know what you're talking about!" I sighed once again and  Allison squeaks. "Now we're through listening to you, we're going this way." I turn to him and said, "live together with dying alone?" He sighs and we chase after them, we then run into a hall closed by an iron gate " Shit!" Said Andrew then I said " I told you so" bender then said " Great idea Jagoff!" Then Andrew said, " Fuck you!" Claire then said "Fuck you! Why didn't you listen to John?" Brian the said, "

We're dead!" Then I said " stop now is not the time to be arguing! Also No, just me!"  They all looked at me said, "  What do you mean?" I sighed and said " is the one who gave bender the idea of getting high this is my fault I go" bender shakes his head and said no ill do it you get back to the library, keep your unit on this!" Bender puts his bag of marijuana into Brian's underwear "bender no"

he smiles at me and runs away singing loudly. “I wanna be an airborne ranger..." I sighed feeling guilty as we run off to the library the moment we got back I sat down and sighed not too long after that Vernon comes storming in " Get your stuff, let's go!" He turns to everyone "Mr. Wiseguy here has taken it upon himself to go to the gymnasium. I'm sorry to inform you, you're going to be without his services for the rest of the day." "Oh my...." I looked down even more guilty bender turns to Vernon "B-O-O H-O-O!"

Vernon still in a rage said " Everything's a big joke, huh Bender? The false alarm you pulled, Friday, false alarms are really funny, aren't they...What if your home, what if your family..." He  beats "...what if your dope was on fire?" Bender then said " Impossible, sir...It's in Johnson's underwear..." I and  Andrew laugh. Vernon turns to me and  Andrew "You think he's funny? Do you think this is cute? You think he's bitchin', is that it? Lemme tell you something. Look at him, he's a bum."

I glared at him but he already turned to everybody else " You wanna see something funny? You go visit John Bender in five years! You'll see how God damned funny he is!" "Asshole" I mutter he turns tome then john "What's the matter, John? Are you gonna cry? Let's go..."  Vernon grabs Bender's shoulder. Then I said " Hey keep your fuckin' hands off him! I expect better manners from you, Dick!" Bender takes his sunglasses out of his pocket and lays them in front of Andrew "For better hallway vision!" Bender leaves but not before pushing stuff over on the way.

About fifteen minutes and we hear a loud crash and A 'oh shit' we all looked over to see John walking down the stairs " what I forgot my pencil" I giggled and then hear mister Vernon say " what the hell was that" I panicked and said, " oh shit!" I pushed john underneath my table.

Vernon comes him pissed and said, " what was that ruckus?!" Andrew shrugs saying " what ruckus?" He continues and said, " my office I heard a ruckus!" Then I said, " Could you describe the ruckus, sir?" He turns to me and said " Watch your tongue young lady, watch it" I
I looked down when felt bender moving under the table by my legs. He sits up and bangs his head on the table. He groans. Above the table, I hit my knee trying to take credit for the noise by making more noise. Vernon looked at me " What is that? What, what is that, what is that noise?" Under the table, Bender looks between my legs and can see my crotch.

He puts his head between my legs. Andrew continues and said " What noise?" I then said, "Really, sir, there wasn't any noise..." I squealed and squeezes Bender's head between my knees. Everyone starts faking a coughing fit. I blushed and said " That noise? Was that the noise you were talking about?" I said pointing up he shakes his head and said "No, it wasn't. That was not the noise I was talking about. Now, I may not have caught you in the act this time, but you can bet I will." Allison and I laugh at Vernon. He turns to us and said

" You make book on that missy!" And then he turns to me " And you! I will not be made a fool of!" He turns and walks away. We see that he still has the toilet seat cover stuck to his pants. Vernon leaves. Everyone laughs but me, bender gets put I covered my mouth and then I said " your an ass..."

He smirks and said " couldn't help myself" I wanted to hit him so badly but I turn bit my lip and avoided everyone gaze, bender walks over to Brian and said, "so Ahab....kybo mein doobage.." Brian unzips his pants and hands bender his marijuana bag and quick zips his pants back up.

"Yo wastoid...you're not gonna blaze up in here!"  Claire gets up and goes after him. Then Brian than me after all this I need to get high... All I hear friend Andrew is a " shit" but I ignored him and sat with bender claire and brian.

Brian, Bender and Claire and I are sitting in a circle and laughing hysterically. Bender lights Claire up and she coughs the smoke out. Brian laughs at her. He exhales and tries to eat the smoke I take my hit I inhaled before and continued until I exhaled it, it prevents me from coughing like Claire did the brain talks in a really weird voice. " Chicks, cannot hold der smoke! That's what it is!" I laughed shaking my head at him Claire the goes on bragging " Do you know how popular I am? I'm so popular, everybody loves me so much, at this school..." Bender turns to me and said " Poor baby." I laughed and took another hit Brian waves Claire over to him and he falls over Andrew emerge from a really smokey room. He inhales another puff and then starts dancing to everybody's applause. He goes back in the room he was in. He screams and it shatters the glass in the door.

Claire smiles and laughs Bender is brushing his teeth with one of Claire's cosmetic brushes. We see Claire looking through Bender's wallet pictures "  Are all these your girlfriends?" I don't what got over me but I felt kinda jealous "Some of them... " then she said " What about the others?" He thinks about it and said "Well, some I consider my girlfriends and some...I just consider..." The i said "Consider what?" Now that i got in involved he shugs and said " Whether or not, I wanna hang out with them.." The claire said " You don't believe in just one guy, one girl?" He turns to her and said " Do you?" She nods " Yeah...that's the way it should be." I stood up and leaned on the pole " Well, not for me..." He said  Claire then " Why not?" Bender clearly doesn't want to answer that. He acts defensively. " How come you got so much shit in your purse?" Then i shot back kind harshly " How come you, got so man,  girlfriends?" Bender then said " I asked you first..." Claire shrugs " I dunno...I guess I never throw anything away."  Bender looking at me said "Neither do I..." I looked away and said " Oh..."

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