its symple really.

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Later on that day I head to Vernons Office and set up a few small cameras and I sat down waited for him I had the remote in one hand and my laptop and the photos to prove that he's not the principle he says he is

I was taken away from my thoughts when I hear the door open I clicked on the recode button and it started recording everything " ms. (L/N) what the meaning of this?" I chuckled and said "I have something to share with you that you might be interested"

He leans forward and said " oh yeah and what's that," he said tilting his head I open my small file of Vernon hitting Jason Whitemore with a ruler and a photo of him sexually assaulting Ms. Valentine she our gym teacher.

His face said it all when he said: "where did you get that!" I grinned and said, "oh this thing that's not all of the things have to see there some really juicy stuff on my laptop want me to show you?" He gulps but nodded.

I showed him some hallway security of him punching freshmen and screaming at him for being nothing ironically that kid committed suicide " that freshmen committed suicide three weeks ago do you really want your superiors seeing that you have caused a kid life, not only that but I do know that you were the reason that Jason Whitemore had to move schools that ms. Valentine is thinking to take another teaching job two states away cause of your contact sexual harassment that's very much Illegal you say you're the most respected Principle but here you cause the kid to kill them self and Sexually Harassed a teacher"

His jaw was clenched and I know I have him around my finger " what are you going to do?" I laughed an said " well I want something bit if don't get that then..... I'll post these everywhere online around campus and the police station and that poor family that lost their kid"

" then he said what your doing is way worst thank you think "I smirk " you have no proof but I do" he growls and said, "what do you want..." I smiled leaning back on my chair and said "I want you to delete john benders two-month detentions" he glares at me and said, " no fucking way I'm letting that punk go!"  I grinned and said " okay I'll just post these everywhere have fun having a career after this," I said getting up he quickly stops me " fine, fine his detentions will be deleted and ill tell him in person!" I smirked and said " remember Vernon this won't be the last time"

I stopped the recording and sneakily took my camera back i headed back to class witch was art john Allison and Andrew looked at me I had the biggest smirk ever they mouthed no way and I smiled and nodded.

After school, Claire and Brian then said " so what happened" John Allison and Andrew looked at me and I said " John and now detention free" everyone then said " you lying that cant have possibly worked" just the Vernon walk to us and turn to John " Bender you no longer have detentions and I apologize for what I said" and with that he struggled to walk away.

I turned to them their jaws dropped " its official my girlfriend is a badass!" Then I said "I was putting the recording in science so I can show you what happened" they nodded and followed me home.

you can't ignore me forever sweetheart (John Bender x reader.)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat