We found a place Dylan pointed out it was nice it was next to one of the small lakes that were here surrounded by trees with the mountains still in view. "Ooooh this is a PERFECT instagram aesthetic" Jasmine said being herself pulling her phone out and started taking pictures.

"Of course," Tony said "I mean it's not a bad view at all" Alison said putting her things down and taking a few pics as well. "So is no one gonna help me!" Dylan said tripping over his bags.

"No one told you to bring all that" I said helping him up. "Yea so you said Damian geez" he said taking the dirt off him "So we're here till Sunday?" Jasmine questioned, "Yup" me and Dylan said. "Hopefully everything goes smoothly and doesn't like rain or something" Alice said "It shouldn't rain I check the weather but you know how quickly it can change" Tony said to her.

"Well time to start a fire and make some s'mores!" Dylan said excitingly I threw my stuff by a tree and started to help him with the set up.

We sat and enjoyed the night at the fire talking, and making s'mores enjoying the night. "So what are we doing tomorrow Dylan?" Alison asked, "Hm why you asking me?" he said eating his s'more.

"Uhhh because it was your idea" she said "Oh right well there's a hiking trail that way and a cave the other way" he said.

"Trail to much walking and a cave full of bats pass" Jasmine said "Jas why did you come if you aren't gonna do nothing but read on Twitter" I asked kinda annoyed "So I didn't have to read at home alone."

"Wow that's a good reason" Tony said annoyed to tossing a ball at a tree to practice his aim."Well there is a lake we can obviously go swimming, I would say fishing but no one brought the gear" Dylan added, I finished the s'more I was eating and got up. "I'll be back I'm gonna go use the restroom" I said grabbing a flash light and walking into the forest.

"Gosh all these trees look the same hopefully I don't get lost" I said sarcastically to myself that would suck. I did what I had to and was gonna walk back but stopped to see the night sky through the trees i could see some stars, looks beautiful I thought to myself.

Then I heard a howl that brought me back, "Holy shit what was that? Do we have wolves here?" then howls again but this time more than one howl at once, I looked around, nothing a few seconds past I slowly walked away then I heard what sounded like footsteps but they didn't sound human and there was multiple. And sounded like they were headed in my direction.

"Son of a bitch!" I ran I didn't care which way I was running I wasn't taking no chances who knows whatever it was chasing me would do to me! I felt a sharp pain hit my foot, next I was rolling down a hill.

"Fuck man" I tried getting up but couldn't. I started to crawled, then I heard growling and looked back to see wolves looking down at me like they know I'm defeated. There's 5 of them I think.

One hopped down and looked at me. It was bigger than any wolf I ever saw and I swear it's eyes glowed. It was sniffing me and analysising me? Why? Not even being one minute of staring I felt the worst pain in my shoulder and was flying through the air. I landed hard my body hurting I managed to get up and was ready to defend myself but saw nothing was there.

I coughed, "fuck what the hell" I felt my shoulder and pointed the flashlight I still somehow managed to keep with me to my shoulder and looked. "Well it doesn't look to bad I guess" It sorta looks like a bite but nothing crazy.

I start to head back towards the fire as fast and best I could. "Fuck" I said putting pressure on my shoulder it seems to be burning a bit more with every step. I hope I'm walking the right way.

I saw the light coming from the fire we started and tried to let anything out. "G-guys" I hardly got it out, "Holy shit Damian!" Dylan said seeing the obvious damage to me and ran to helped me sit down "What happened" he said "I-I was about to come back then heard the howls," I said coughing feeling pain in my shoulder.

"We heard them to we didn't think they were close or anything like that." Tony said, "Dude it looks like one bit you or something" he also mentioned I looked at my shoulder to see it in the light again it looked more like one now being more safe I don't know. "It's fine just gotta put some alcohol and make sure it doesn't get infected" I said not really concerned now that I'm here and safe I think. Most people just call 911 but I had worse injuries it's just a bite, nothing is broken or anything to serious I had my leg bone sticking out of me once now thats bad. "Are you sure we can easily go to a hospital" Alice said "Yes I'm sure" I limped back thinking I won't be able to play in the championship game. I really needed to I might be moved to team captain if I played good enough.

I laid down in my tent I didn't sleep with anyone else Dylan had his own house like tent but it was packed with stuff and tony likes his space and the girls well that was self explained since they're girls like to feel comfortable I guess.

A few hours pasted and I couldn't fall asleep for a while. "This sucks but what the hell was that thing was it it even a wolf I mean it looked like one" I thought to myself just wondering why didn't they eat me I know it's not wolf like to just savagely eat me but why did they chase me in the first place then if they weren't gonna eat me.

I slowly started to finally drift off to sleep. Woosh woosh a black figure ran past my vision then ran up to me biting me over and over again. Then I woke up sweating, panting, confused. I got up and stretched and realized I didn't feel any pain in my shoulder. I looked at my leg and saw the bruise I had noticed after I laided down and got cleaned up was gone then checked my shoulder the entire bite was gone. Completely gone. "What the hell?!"

I heard the howls.[REVAMPED]Where stories live. Discover now