Uncle in Trouble - Natasha Romanoff

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Y/N ran around the helicarrier running away from his uncle.

"Y/N! Come on kiddo, Nat's gonna kill me if you get hurt."

Y/N turned around and stuck his tongue out at Clint. He never stopped running as he was turned around and ran into the edge of a table. He fell back onto his butt and sat for a second before his four-year-old mind registered he was hurt. But as soon as he did, he started crying extremely loud. Clint stopped when he heard Y/N's cries. He followed the noise and found him sitting on the ground next to a table holding his hands to his head.

"Buddy, move your hands for me."

He shook his head and continued to hold it. Clint picked him up and put him on his hip, starting to carry him to the medical wing. Y/N continued to cry until they got into sight of the med wing.

"Uncle Cwint?"

"Yeah bud?"

"My head huwts."

Clint smiled at him and bounced him a couple of times as he continued to walk.

"Hey, can we get this cleaned up before Natasha finds out? She'll kill me then bring me back to life to kill me again if she knows I let him get hurt."

The nurse nodded and reached over to take Y/N from Clint but he refused to let go of his neck.

"Y/N bud, she's gotta get your boo-boo all fixed. Can you go with her?"

Y/N looked over his shoulder at the nurse who was smiling politely at them. He nodded slowly and reached over for her. She took him and set him down on one of the tables she had there.

"This may sting a little bit, but it won't for very long. I'm gonna put it in your cut okay?"

Y/N nodded and sat extremely still as she put the cream on his forehead. Clint was sitting right next to him holding his hand. Y/N squeezed his hand and closed his eyes when he felt the stinging, but after a while the stinging stopped and he opened his eyes. He smiled at the nurse and to Clint before making grabby-hands at Clint. He smiled and picked him up again, still sitting on the table.

"I'm going to have to cover it with a bandage to keep it clean and uninfected. He can choose the full head wrap or his favorite Avengers band-aid."

Clint looked to Y/N and he pointed to a Black Widow band-aid. Clint laughed and scoffed in fake offense.

"You aren't gonna get a Hawkeye band-aid?"

He shook his head.

"Mommy's cooler."

As if on cue, Natasha walked into the med bay.

"Clint, I swear if he is in the slightest bit hurt, I'm going to kill you then kill you again."


Y/N made grabby hands at Natasha and her scowl faded into a soft smile.

"Привет детка."

"Я сбежал от дяди Клинта."

Natasha raised an eyebrow at him and he giggled. Clint sat with his head down waiting to be chewed out from her. Y/N turned to him and pointed.

"Clint, how did you let him run away from you? He's four and you are a trained assassin."

Y/N started playing with Natasha's hair and Clint smiled before answering.

"Well, he sorta climbed into the vents. And then I lost him. Then I heard him giggling and running. Then he ran into the table."

Natasha sighed and handed Y/N to Clint. He started to pout but the nurse handed him a sucker. He smiled and tried to get the wrapper off of it. When he couldn't he started to pout again. Clint pulled the wrapping off the sucker and Y/N popped it into his mouth. They walked out into the main area of the helicarrier onto the control bridge. 

"Hi Uncle Phil. Hi Grandpa."

Y/N waved to Coulson and Fury and they both smiled until they saw the band-aid.

"Barton, you better tell me what happened to him right now, or you're not gonna be allowed in the vents for a long time."

"Well I was watching him and somehow he got into the vents, and with his speed I lost him, then he ran into the corner of the table down there and cut his head."

Fury glared at Clint while Coulson took Y/N from him. Y/N smiled and offered Coulson some of his sucker but he declined. Y/N shrugged and continued to eat it. Natasha, Clint and Fury started to talk, so Coulson started to walk around, showing Y/N some of the computer screens.

"Uncle Phil?"

"Yes Y/N?"

"Is Uncle Clint gonna be in trouble by Mommy and Grandpa? Cause I was da one who ran off. I'll take the spanking for him."

Coulson smiled and hid his laugh.

"It depends on how bad it is if I'll let you take it. He might not get in trouble if you apologize for running off and don't do it again. You wanna go up there?"

Y/N nodded and Coulson started to walk back up to the control bridge. They heard a lot of yelling and Coulson stopped to listen.

"What is that?"

As soon as Y/N asked, Clint spun around the corner and started to sprint the other way. Following close after him was Natasha. Y/N started to laugh at the terrified look on Clint's face and Coulson walked to the corner of the hallway. He looked back down the hallway and saw Fury with a grin on his face.

"Should we make sure he doesn't get killed?"

"Nope, he'll wish he was though. He let Y/N get hurt, that's what happens."

"What's momma and Uncle Clint doing?"

"Nothing buddy, let's go get an ice cream with Uncle Phil and Uncle Tony."

"Ice cream!"

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