Nothing But a Soldier - Bucky Barnes

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Y/N sat at his desk and tapped his pen. He was waiting for his ride to come and pick him up. Yes, he was in the middle of New York and could ride on the U-Bahn, or call a taxi, but truth be told, he was terrified of those places. He hated taxis because of the Zodiac, and the U-Bahn was just a meeting place for criminals. Now that shouldn't have put him off, considering he wasn't from America and worked with some of the world's greatest crime-fighters. But he was never on the front lines with them. And he had some bad experiences within his time in the country. He was more the guy who handled the press and covered their asses when need be. But he still was close with them.

Click. Click. Click. 


Y/N jumped out of his thoughts when he heard his name being called. His hand flew down to his side and landed on his pistol that he kept on him. His eyes darted up to see who busted into his office and landed on his brother, Benjamin. He sighed and put his hand on his chest.

"Ben, I swear. You're gonna give me a damn heart attack. You know I'm jumpy!"

His brother was doubled over laughing, his face bright red. Y/N stood from his chair and walked over to Ben, smacking the back of his head.

"Ow! Hey! I'm sorry." 

He smirked and rolled his eyes. He walked over to his bookshelf and pulled the top of a book named Theodore Boone. Ben stood up and walked to Y/N's side while they both waited for the door to open up. Once it was, Y/N's brother put his arm around him then patted his shoulder. He flinched at the touch, but not enough to where Ben could see it. Ben mock saluted him, then walked into the hallway behind the shelf. Y/N sighed and pushed the book back before going to his desk.

Click. Click. Click.

Y/N stared at his pen. He heard a knock on his door and yelled for them to come in. The door swung open and no one was standing there. He smiled and chuckled before shaking his head.

"Come on in, Peter. I know you're out there." 

He heard Peter groan and saw him jump down from the ceiling. Peter walked into his office and jumped into one of the chairs off to the side.

"Hey Mr. L/N. How was your day?"

He smiled at Peter.

"It was okay. Tony hasn't called any press conferences lately, and Steve has been catching up on pop culture so he's busy. I'm just waiting on someone to do something. How was school?"

Peter jumped up and started pacing the room telling Y/N stories of his day.

"In history today, we talked about Mr. Rogers and the Howling Commandos from WWII, then in Chemistry, I was working on my web fluid. Ned almost found out that I'm Spider-man! MJ said something not mean to me and Ned today, and Flash was a bully as always."

Y/N smiled and nodded at everything except for Flash being a bully as always.

"Pete, you can't let him keep doing that to you. You can stand up for yourself. You are perfectly able to, I don't see why you don't kiddo."

Y/N stood from his desk and walked over to Peter. He put an arm around the child's shoulder to stop his pacing and looked down at him.

"It's because if I do, then people will know something happened. They might find out that I'm their 'Friendly Neighborhood Spider-man' and I don't need to put that on Aunt May."

Y/N sighed and nodded. He heard a car honk outside and let go of Peter to walk over to the window. He saw Stark's white challenger. Peter walked over behind him and looked out the window too.

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