Chapter 19: Kuro Goes

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Matsuko's POV

Walking through the village, I rubbed my pendant nervously. I had been a little nervous about using it as a contract for Aoi. It sort of felt like I was messing with the last gift my mother had given me. At the same time, though, Aoi was a part of Oro so that would make the pendant that much more special.

"Are you sure it's okay for me to be out here?" Aoi asked nervously, staying close to me as other people kept giving us weirds looks. I glared at the nearest person which made everyone look away quickly.

"Aoi," I said after I was done glaring. "You're adorable and a really good snake. You shouldn't be afraid of slithering the streets just because of what you are." I wish I could have told that to Oro. He was always nervous about being around other people.

"Thanks," Aoi said gently, looking up at me with those adorable eyes. "Where are we going first?"

"We're going to the market," I said, looking at the list Itachi had made for me. It was weird to be shopping so late in the day and the shadows were really long. I had been really scary for me when was younger to leave my house when it got to this time. I wasn't worried anymore, though. I mean, I was a ninja and I had a giant snake with me. I would hate to be the bandit that fought against me.

I turned into the market and gathered some of the foods near the front of the market. As I gathered some apples I was rather surprised when I heard a familiar voice.

"M-Matsuko," said a tentative voice. I turned to find Souka with a bag of brussel sprouts and bacon flung over his shoulder.

"Hi, Souka," I smiled, rubbing Aoi's head as he hid behind me shyly. "It's been a while."

Souka nodded, letting his eyes trail to the ground. "I just wanted to s-see how you were doing."

"Fine," I smiled, "Great, actually. Even better if my team could get some real missions anytime soon."

"You haven't had any yet?" Souka asked, surprised.

I shook my head. "Not yet. I think we'll get some soon, though."

Souka smiled shyly and I realized that he was uncomfortable with this social interaction but he was forcing himself to do it.

"When you see Itachi and Oro again, c-could you pass a message?"

"Sure," I said, curious.

Souka straightened and said, " Tell them Anisha and Kiera want them to visit soon or they're going to come after them."

"Oh," I said with a smile. "No problem. Oro and Itachi were planning on visiting very soon, actually."

Souka nodded, relieved.

"Are the Adventurers coming to the festival?" I asked, feeling excited and I hoping I would get to meet the people who had saved Oro.

"I-I think so," Souka said with a little nod. "I know Anisha wouldn't miss it for the world."

"I bet they don't get celebrated very often," I smiled gently. "I hear the Adventurer life is much like the ninja's. Doing your job with no recognition."

Souka nodded. "Exactly."

"So," I said, walking by Souka as I collected onions next. "How have you been?"

"Fine," Souka said, looking away again. He looked over the onions murmuring something about a garden before saying, "Just some training, a few missions. I mostly go with the others on their adventures. Anisha, Laurance, Rin, and Kiera are more fun than n-ninja. They laugh a lot more. More r-relaxed."

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