Finally after a week, she got a chance which she was waiting for. Jacob left early for home (well he said home but who knows where) and she entered the cabin which Jacob never leaves vacant. He even didn't permit her to enter once saying the patient is sensible.

She found Jolly watching over the patient.

"Hello mam." Jolly greeted her looking startled. No one ever comes in this room after all.

Shanan smiled sweetly. She moved towards the bed. Jolly followed uncomfortably. She couldn't stop Shanan as Shanan was her senior at work.

"She is in comma right?" Shanan asked Jolly.

"Yes mam."

Shanan moved to the front side of the bed and was nearly blown away looking at the face of the patient who occupied the bed.

'RYA!' Her mind screamed.

She controlled herself as she knew she had to find out more.

"What's her name?"

"Sapphire Redcliff." Jolly answered which shocked Shanan again.

"Oh. What happened to her?"

"She fell down from the stairs in her orphanage."

Jolly gave her every detail which was actually of the real Sapphire's. She wasn't aware that Shanan already knew the real Sapphire. She saw her before and read every detail about her on her file.

Why are they calling her Sapphire? Why does she look exactly like Rya? What is going on?

Jacob was in charge of the treatment of this girl who they were calling Sapphire. Although he worked under Dr. Graham who was officially in charge. Shanan noticed it was Jacob who took all the decisions. Dr. Graham was just a formality in this case. He is almost never here in person these days.

Jacob never allows anyone to interfere in his treatments. Shanan saw him once with the real Sapphire who was in comma due to having a sudden stroke. Jacob was having his way with her using her vulnerable state. Shanan felt disgusted. She planned to make a complaint against him. So she recorded a video.

She moved away from the window when she heard footsteps and saw Dr. Graham enter the room. She was shell shocked when she heard Dr. Graham say that Sapphire was appealing. She understood that she can't trust anyone now to disclose anything. She has to wait a little and observe everyone. She was new so she needed to find out who she can trust.

Few days later, Sapphire died all of a sudden. The asylum was really small with way too many patients and a very few doctors. No one cared about other doctors patients. So no one actually knew who exactly died.

Shanan knew because she was constantly following their activities. But she couldn't do anything about it when she saw her body was being moved to Stockling.

The next night she heard about Rya and rushed to Stockling. She was just told about the accident but nobody told her that she lost her best friend until she reached Stockling for her own safety. She stayed with Rya's mum for 2 weeks and then returned to work in Hamlington.

She started to almost stalk Jacob in work who never suspected her because well basically he never dreamt of anyone suspecting him. He was a bit overconfident.

After Shanan saw Rya, she decided to talk to Jacob the next day. She knew Jolly must have informed him anyway. She told him about her interests in comma patients. She made sure she sounded as evil as they were. Jacob, who was in a hurry to make Rya come back to sense, immediately fell for her words.

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