leap of faith -~3~-

Beginne am Anfang

Obi's POV

The sound of a sword hitting the floor rang throughout the empty hallways of this abandoned mansion. Y/N must have found something.. I don't hear anything else. No clashing swords indicating a fight but she needs me to come over still.
I quickly ran through the halls to where I heard Y/N's sword hit and heard a voice. Y/N had gone mute and it definitely didn't sound like her, it was a man's voice.
"Someone would pay a pretty penny for you.." he whispered into Y/N's ear. Immediately after, he hit her in the back of the neck and knocked her out. She fell down with a grin on her face. She knew I was here.. And she wasn't knocked out. She was messing with him.
Whoa, that girl.. she always seems to get into some kind of trouble just for her own amusement... What a woman!
Y/N didn't actually hit the ground, that boy caught her and pulled off her hood..
I stopped myself from moving around the corner and kicking his guys face in.. This was his territory and I didn't know it well unlike he did. Besides.. Y/N wanted to play his game which is why she stayed put. So I'll wait and follow him like she wanted while gritting my teeth..

3rd person POV

The boy holding Y/N examined her face as he slid off the mask soaked in water. "Huh.." the boy wondered why she would cover her mouth with this mask, maybe she was sick? Next he admired her hair.. He lightly grasped a bit of her long light blonde hair from the front of her face. "Geez lady, how much hair do you have?" He said aloud and pulled out the rest of it from the inside of her cloak. It touched the floor from the angle he was holding her in. "Whoa.. someone will be very happy to have you" The boy grinned and dragged Y/N to a cage down and around the hall opposite of Obi. The boy tied her hands together, took her swords and left her there soaking wet. He didnt want his new money maker getting sick so he went to get her some clothes when she woke up. Little does he know.. Y/N had been awake the whole time. She was used to pretending to play dead out on the battle field during certain missions. She and her family weren't just master swordsmen; they were warriors. When things started looking a little wild, her parents made her stay down and hiden.. She was never phased by that kind of stuff. Blood, gore, murder, she knew it all too well. Ever since she was eight, the prince thought it was a good idea for her to train and go on these missions..

Your POV

After that boy left me in this cage, I used the dagger strapped inside my pant leg to undo these ropes. Easy as pie. Obi is somewhere around here.. I opened my eyes and finally stood up looking around.
I whistled for him.
"Yes Miss?" Obi came dropping down from who knows where.
"S.......s...swo...r...d...." I stuttered, trying to talk. I didn't have anything to write with, so that's really the best I could do.
"Oh, you mean this?" He smiled, holding up my belt with everything still attached. I smirked.
Of course he would have them. Just like back then. I always forget things and he'd always know where they are.. Unless he hid them.....
I nodded with a little smile and took off my soaking wet cloak that's been weighing me down for a while. I slowly slipped through the thin bars. I've always been quite thin. Even if my family worked for royalty, I suppose we were one of those really poor families, which was understandable because we did have 5 people in our family and we didn't get paid much... I miss those days even so..
"Y/N have you always been that skinny?" Obi asked me in concern after he saw me easily slide through the bars. I nodded my head yes and put back on my belt.
"Why is that?" He asked as we walked. I looked in my little pouch to find a soaking wet piece of paper and sighed.

"Well, well.. How'd you escape?" The boy from earlier was on the second floor looking down at me. Obi had ran away at some point, I suppose. Not sure when though... he might be a better spy/assassin than me!
I shrugged, hiding my swords and belt with my cloak that I was holding around me. "Uh huh..." he started walking down the staircase but he was still pretty far away from me. He walked up to the door and locked it. "You know.. I have a few buddies of mine who would pay a pretty steep prince for you and your looks.." the boy licked his lips.
Ew.. creepy much? I'd rather die.
I rolled my eyes at him and started walking somewhere random.
"Hey! Where do you think you're going?" He shouted at me as I walked away, still making sure to cover my belt and swords. I stopped for a second. I slowly turned my head back and winked at him, then used my pointer finger to motion for him to follow. He blushed and his eyes widened slightly, before obeying with a smirk. I mentally snickered and grinned to myself without him seeing.
I lead him into a room upstairs. It was the only bedroom that I could find which actually HAD a bed, so I assume he's the only one here... All according to my plan.
"So sweetheart.. why'd you lead me here?" He grinned, walking through the door behind us. I smirked and locked it then went to the windows and opened the blinds. I figured Obi would be trying to peek through the window sooner or later if he wasn't still in this mansion. I put down my cloak which had been hiding my swords and belt and slowly pulled Father's sword from its sheath.
"W-Whoa, where'd you find that thing?" He shouted, obviously scared but tried to cover it up. I shrugged, standing where I was in my spot. I was still facing the window but in the reflection I could see him pull a dagger out of his pocket along with some thick cloth.
Stab me somewhere then drug me? Eh, I'm afraid that won't happen.
The boy threw his dagger right at my back and made the glass shatter as a distraction after the dagger missed me, then came up from behind me and shoved the cloth over my nose and mouth. I held my breath and didn't struggle.
"Still not talking to me?" He smirked with a little struggling laugh. I rolled my eyes to myself before pretending to be knocked out and fell to the floor and landing parallel to the other sword. (Flat on top the smooth side so it didn't stab you lol). Outside, I could see Obi shifting around in the trees so I need to make this less convincing now, I don't want to worry him... okay maybe a little. "Ha!" He scoffed at me and kicked me in the stomach, I didn't flinch. "What a joke" the boy said going to pick up his dagger. I opened my eyes and stood up extremely quietly and slowly walked behind the boy. Before he picked up the dagger I tapped him on the shoulder and secretly kicked it away and out the window as he looked up in surprise. I smiled at him before throwing him through the wooden door I had locked before. It would take him a second to get up after that one.. So I took my chance and jumped out the window! I reached out for Obi in the trees but I missed his hand and fell from 2 stories..
Click, click, click...

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