You failed....

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"You failed....."

"You ignored everyone's advice and took the spear".

"When will you ever learn?"

Della could hear them now, the disappointment in everyone's face....

She didn't think about what could've happened....

In fact.....She never thinks before she leaps.....

She never considered the consequences of her actions.....

"Della don't you think for a second that I don't know what you're thinking. It's too dangerous".

Della sighed softly adjusting the picture in the nursery, they were almost ready for her boys, "Donald"She said, "after they hatch, I won't be adventuring for awhile.....".

"And if you go, you may not adventure again".

"You don't know that."


"I didn't say I was-"

"But you didn't say you weren't either".

She should've listened to her brother.....

He was right.....

She tried to succeed but she failed....

She tried to fix the spear but she couldn't.....

She's a failure

Della Duck is a failure...Looking at the picture once more of Donald, Scrooge, herself and the eggs....

The boys.....

Her boys....

She couldn't keep pretending everything was ok, and that she didn't fail and that she could fix this "I'm so sorry boys"She cried, harder then she ever was very big and scary....nobody can hear her. So she yelled, as loud as she could to say everything she wanted or needed to say:

"I failed! I failed you and I admit it!"

"I should've listened to you Donald...every time you told me what to do you were looking out for me!"

"I'm sorry I put you through so much pain, and now so much heartbreak...."

"I'm sorry Uncle Scrooge, for every time I betrayed your trust, every time I didn't listen, every time I scared you!...."

"And boys-......"She cried harder "Boys....."

Her boys....her children....her babies that she abandoned.

"I'm so sorry I ever left....I'm sorry for everything..."She lowered her voice in shame "I'm sorry I failed you....."She cried again, just like when she was a very young child...

She looked at the picture right now and turned it around, her drawing was laughable... "There's still time"She said, yes they're kids now, not infants and yes she seems further and further away from fixing this but her boys still need her and they're definitely worth the effort...and the risk, "I promise....I won't give up, I won't give up on you if you please...don't give up on me". 

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