"I'm doing just fine, how  have you been enjoying the shop?"

"Oh I love it!!"

"Good, Jiyu we should get you to bed."  He spoke warmly, both the Min's were very warm and friendly, which would often make Jimin wonder why Yoongi seemed so cold.

With one final hug Mrs Min was helped up to her room, leaning on her husband at each step they took up the stairs.

Jimin watched with sorry eyes, the woman he knew to have such energy usually, was now being helped up to bed.

The said boy turned around to be greeted by Yoongi, holding up a tray with his usual breakfast on.

"Yoongi, thank you so much, you know you don't have to do this every morning."
Yoongi said nothing, he simply shrugged, placing the tray on the table.

"You didn't tell me your mum was back.."

"Cause I didn't know." Yoongi answered coldly.

Yoongi was quite cold, he was direct and honest, but towards Jimin, he'd seemed to have softened up recently.
Well, that was until now.

"Are you alright Yoongi?" The younger asked with concern.

Yoongi's eyebrows were furrowed.

"You're really close to my mum aren't you?" He asked avoid Jimin's gaze and his previous question.

"Of course, she's always been the closest thing to a mother for a mother to me but-"

"She isn't your mother." Yoongi snapped, eyes met with Jimin now, and those eyes were angry.

"I- I'm sorry I never meant it that way." Jimin was hurt by Yoongi's words, but he understood why he was acting this way.
Yoongi was studying in London away from his parents he didn't want anyone to replace him, he didn't want Jimin to be closer to him than he was, or something like that..
"Uhm I'll go open the shop, thank you for the breakfast."

Yoongi let out a loud sigh as he watched the other walk out the kitchen. He had grown attached to Jimin even though it had only been a week or so, Jimin was like a little ray of sunshine, which was exactly what he needed at that moment in time
He didn't come back to this small village for nothing, he didn't take a month off of his education just to work in a sweet shop.

But he also didn't expect to meet a boy that he'd want to make sure wouldn't get, obviously failing to do so, seeli as he himself hurt him.

"Yoongi." His father stood opposite of Yoongi putting on his coat. "Did you tell Jimin?"
Yoongi shook his head.
"You probably should, she means a lot to him."
Yoongi nodded.
"Right I better get to work, see you later."

Yoongi sighed walking out to meet Jimin struggling to get a candy jar up on the top shelf, even though he was up on the wooden rolling ladder.

"Don't worry Jimin, I'll catch you if you fall." He said with a light chuckle. Jimin looked down a slight blush rushing to his cheeks.

"T-thanks." He mumbled, pushing up on his toes and placing the jar on the thick oak shelf, loosing his balance immediately after.
He began to fall backwards but luckily managed to save himself by grabbing ahold of the ladder.

"I can put the jars up at the top if you want." Yoongi said with a chuckle once Jimin landed on his feet back on the ground.

"Hey! You're not that much taller than me!!" Yoongi let out a small laugh, to which Jimin couldn't help but smile.
"I'm sorry about your mum."
Yoongi suddenly stopped and looked at him with wide eyes.

"You know??"

"Of course I know, it's obvious!" Jimin said with a smile, "and I understand, I won't get too close to her."

"Did she tell you?"

"Nah I just guessed, it's okay I understand." He walked towards the counter, smile still on his face as he arranged the counter top.

"Jimin, what are you talking about?" Yoongi asked approaching the counter on the opposite side.

"Well," Jimin began, a little embarrassed of the assumption he'd made, "you're jealous that I'm quite close to Mrs Min, and I understand, with you being in London and all, I'll distance myself, promise."

Yoongi stood and looked at him, unable to utter a word.

"Jimin." He managed to say calmly, the younger boy's attention focused on him solely. "Mum's dying."


It took me so long to update only to end up giving you a pretty crappy part, it should be getting better soon though, promise, hope you enjoy 🥺💜

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2019 ⏰

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