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Jimin tied up his brown laces as tight as possible, his foot leaning up against the end of his bed.
It was his first day of work today.

He felt like he'd waited his whole to work in Mrs Min's sweet shop, he basically had. It was more of a home than any other place even though there was no bed for him there.

He rushed down the streets, on a gloomy January morning. Barely anyone to be seen, only him in his tweed grey coat and his large burgundy scald wrapped around his neck, hiding half his face.

The small bell rang as he opened the door to the shop.

"Good morning!" He called out, his usual bright smile lighting up the damp dull Monday morning.
Yoongi was sat at the counter, hunched over a cup of coffee, simply grunting.
But Jimin took it.

"Woah Yoongi, did you get any sleep last night?? You look shattered!!" He asked as he unrolled his scarf from around his neck. He walked over to Yoongi, a little concerned.
The dark haired boy shook his head.

"Mum wasn't well, she's in hospital now.."
Jimin's eyes widened.

"Mrs Min??? Oh my- Yoongi, you should go see her!!"

Yoongi shook his head and sipped at his hot chocolate.

"Dad's with her, and I'm not leaving you on your first day." This made Jimin smile, which made Yoongi's cheeks go pink.

"Aww Yoongi, I think we'll run this shop just fine together!!" He said, rushing to join him on the other side of the counter and wrapping his arm around the others shoulder and squeezing them reassuringly.
Yoongi's cheeks grew even pinker.

He quickly pushed himself out of Jimin's hold and went to stand on the steps to the kitchen.
"Do you want breakfast?" He blurted out.

Jimin giggled as he sat down at the counter.

"Yes please Yoongi."

For the first few mornings on the job, it would play out like, Jimin would make Yoongi  blush and he wouldn't know ho to react, so he'd ask Jimin if he wanted breakfast.

After a week though, Jimin would arrive to breakfast ready,waiting for him on the counter top. Yoongi was obviously a lot more comfortable around him, he would laugh with him, and actually managed to stay more than two seconds right next to him.

One Tuesday morning, the rest of the world was still asleep, other than the milk man doing his rounds, and Jimin. The sky was still dark, but the short boy was still wide awake, rushing towards the shop through the early morning fog.

"Good morning Yoongi- Oh Mrs Min, you're back!!" His eyes widened and seemed to sparkle seeing the lady sat on one of the wooden benches by the window. He rushed up to her and hugged her, she smiled down at him, not her usual bright smile though. She was pale, and tired, it was as though that smile she was giving Jimin, was using every last drop of her energy.

"Hello Jimin, how are you enjoying working in the shop? Yoongi's not too harsh?" Jimin looked up at her, she was still Mrs Min, of course, there was still that caring look in her eyes, but it was though a piece of her had gone. He shook his head.

"He's been really nice, I can't believe I'd never met him before, he always makes me breakfast, he's sweet." Jimin paused a fond smile on his lips, "And I think he's starting to like me too!!" He said with excitement.

"Oh hello Jimin."

The two looked up at the man stood by the till, Mr. Min.

"Hello Mr Min, how have you been?" Jimin asked with his usual polite smile.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jun 18, 2019 ⏰

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