Dream a Little Dream of Dean

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Dean was in a tux and apparently so was Sam when he looked down at himself. 

The brothers were in a nice room and Dean was pacing back and forth while Sam was sitting on a bench. 

What is this? Sam asked himself.

Dean interrupted Sam's thinking. "I don't know if I'm cut out for this Sam! I don't know how I'm just supposed to walk in there and get married! How am I supposed to-" Dean was hyperventilating. 

This is a dream, a voice said from inside Sam's head. Enjoy it while it lasts. 

Immediately, Sam stood up and walked over to his brother trying to soothe him and even out his breathing. 

"Dean, you've got to calm down buddy!"

"Calm down? How am I supposed to just calm down?! Calm down! You calm down!!"

"Okay," Sam said chuckling nervously. "You'll be fine. You're gonna walk down that aisle, say your vows and-"

Dean looked up at Sam like he was about to puke.

"Vows?! I was supposed to write vows?!"


"Oh my God," Dean breathed sitting himself down on the bench. Sam sat next to him.

"I mean how did you know Sam? You were always so sure of me and Cas, even before I knew! How? How can you be so calm while I'm freaking out?"

Sam thought for a minute and smiled.

"I just knew, Dean. I guess I really realized when you came back from Purgatory. You weren't you; at first I thought it was Purgatory, all the awful crap you went through, but it wasn't just that you got back from Purgatory. It was that you got back from Purgatory without Cas. You had nightmares and you'd call out his name, thinking I was asleep, but I wasn't. The way you prayed to him; I could tell you were trying to be all cool about it, but you'd get this gleam in your eyes and you couldn't help from grinning. When he came, I could see the joy in you, and the disappointment when he didn't. Whenever he wasn't there, you weren't whole; you'd say something and look around, at first I thought looking for me, but you were looking for him. A lot of crap has happened to you, Dean, and I can see it all the time in your eyes, it weighing down on you, but Cas lightens the load. You couldn't take your eyes off of him and the light shuffle you did with your feet trying to get closer to him without him realizing; I don't even think you realized, the little twitch you'd get in your fingers when you saw his messy hair, or not straight tie, or messed up collar. I've seen those special laughs, those unconscious movements before. That's how I used to move around Jess. That's how I knew you loved him; I always knew and believe me Dean, he loves you too."

"I can do this?" asked Dean.

"You can do this. I'm proud of you, Dean."

"I'm proud of us."

Sam frowned. Dean's face started to bleed and Sam felt shaky.

The dream was turning into a nightmare.

And then Sam woke up to fire and smoke around him, crashing noises, commotion, and-


"Sammy, please wake up!"


"Oh thank God, Sam you're okay," Dean breathed. "Listen we got to go now!"

"You're you," Sam said still shocked.

"Sammy, we need to leave."

Sam got up and they ran, the two brothers at it again.

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