24 Hours

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"Thanks," said Sam to the cashier after receiving his burgers to go. "Have a nice day."

He went back to the car he stole and started the engine when he heard a voice from the passenger seat.

"Don't you think you should lay off the burgers? They go right to the hips."

Sam stopped, his hands frozen on the keys in the ignition.

"Crowley," he whispered.

"Moose, haven't seen you in a while."

In a second, Sam's hands were off the keys and on a knife which he put to Crowley's neck.

"Woah gigantor! I knew you weren't happy to see me, but this?" He snapped his finger and the blade was gone. Sam was weaponless.

He tried to open the door of the car, but with another snap of Crowley's finger the door was locked. 

"We need to talk."

"Alright," said Sam angrily. "You wanna talk Crowley? Fine, let's talk. Let's talk about the fact that you turned my brother into a demon. Let's talk about how you want to restart the apocalypse and kill billions of innocent people. Let's talk about how the next time I see you, I'll kill you."

"Ouch," said Crowley with a grin. "So aggressive. Really Sam, we've got to do something about your anger management problems."

"I'm not joking you son of a bitch."

"Son of a witch. If you're going to insult me, be accurate at least moose. And I agree, it's no joke," said Crowley. "You already know my plans and you know what I want so why not make everything easier on everyone and just do what I ask you."

Sam defiantly looked into Crowley's eyes. "You want me to say yes; you want me to say yes to Lucifer and the apocalypse and you don't want me to fight him like I did last time, but you know that's not going to happen. I've never been one to make things easy on my enemies."

"Sam," said Crowley changing his tone. "If you say yes, I'll make Dean human full time."

"What's the point of that when he'll just die in battle being used as Michael's meat suit?!"

"You have another brother, Adam if you remember. I wouldn't be surprised if you forgot; never seemed like you cared much-"

"I think about him every day, so don't you dare say that Crowley because you know nothing," said Sam painfully.

"Okay okay! Sorry." He sighed. "Adam would be Michael's vessel; it'd make the fight a lot less messy and a lot quicker."

"Michael only thought of Adam as temporary and Lucifer would never battle him until everything was fair and even."

"Lucifer has grown tired and impatient. He wants to fight and he wants to win. If you say yes, Dean will be human for the rest of his life and I swear to you that he will be protected and won't be caught up in this."

"And if I say no?" Sam asked looking down, the first time he felt uncertain in the conversation.

"He'll be a demon, and I'll force him to say yes to Michael. There will be a lot more blood and Dean will die and it will all be on your hands. The choice is yours. You have 24 hours."

And with that he was gone.

Sam looked down at his hands. They were shaking. 

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