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You were on the floor of the training grounds, in kamar-taj. And to the confusion of a few people, you were laughing your ass off, for nothing in particular.

Most of the people there already knew that you were that kind of person that laughed about everything, so they didn't pay much attention to you.
You were looking at your phone, looking at stupid jokes and the whole student class was there to hear it.

"G-g-guys...! What did... PFFFFT... A-a cell say t-to his sister cell, that- hehehe- stepped on his toe?!"
A few people groaned, a few snickered and many just looked confused.
"MITOSIS!" You broke into hysterical laughter, and the people around you just either face palmed or grinned.

"You're quite good in distracting my students, miss (y/n)." said a loud voice.
The snickering immediately stopped, only your little giggles were heard. You immediately knew who it was, but you were in a way too good of a mood to be intimidated by her. In fact, how could your own girlfriend scare you?
Well, girlfriend is a strong word. But although you've never told each other what you were, or what you felt, it was quite obvious to you and everyone else that something was going on between you. It didn't even need to be said out loud.

The ancient one stepped in front of you, looking at your wheezing face, emotionless.

"I believe you've had enough fun, if you're not here to train, you might as well retreat to your room miss (y/n). "

You weren't fazed by her harsh words, she was obviously in teaching mode at the moment. But even though there were quite a few people around, you wanted to have a little more fun with her.
"Knock knock! " you called you to her. She looked at you stoicly. "This is not the time to-" "Knock knooooock!" You whined whilst getting into a sitting position on the ground. The ancient one sighed.
"(Y/n)...who's there?" "Olive!" "... Olive who?" "Olive you!" you said happily with a wink. The ancient one was caught ofg guard by that. Some people were awwing or snorting at the joke.
"(Y/n), that was-" "Knock knock!"
You shouted up to her while sitting on your knees.
"This is the last one... Who's there?" the ancient one said a little bit bashfully. "Honey bee!" "... Sigh... Honey bee who?"
"Honey bee a doll and gimme dem digits!" You said while disgracefully snipping you fingers at her. A few people burst into laughter and the ancient one just looked like she wanted to jump off a bridge. Though the cringe, she still smiled at the joke. Leaning down to your level, she gave you a soft, sweet kiss. This caught you even more off guard and you froze. She wasn't usually the PDA type, especially not in front of her students. When she pulled back she got close to your ear.


That shut you up pretty quickly, and you were left a blushing mess on the ground. The ancient one returned to the students who were all looking surprised or giddy, some even dared to whistle.
You looked at her walking away and just thought, I am definitely going to make more jokes later.


Ancient one x Reader ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now