~Chapter 3~

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"Bunny, you're an Eliatrope!" Adrian exclaimed.

"Yeah I know-- wait what!?" 

Bunny reached up and felt her puffy brown hair. A pair of blue wings that looked like they were made from cyan fire were attached to her head. Bunny ran her finger across one of them, and felt a strange energy run through her veins.

Suddenly, they heard thundering footsteps behind them. Adrian quickly pulled Bunny out of view behind a tree as she put the lilac hat back on her head.

They both peeked out from behind the tree and spotted two dragoturky with two familiar looking people on them. 

"Amalia and Evangelene!" Bunny whisper-yelled.

Evangelene heard the small sound and turned around too see where it came from. Bunny and Adrian hid back behind the tree, peeking out ever so slightly.

Eva scanned the area. Not seeing anything, she gave the area another suspicious glance and continued on her way. 

Bunny and Adrian sighed with relief. "Let's go to the inn in Emelka. We'll figure out what to do then." Bunny said, looking up at Adrian.

Adrian nodded and grabbed Bunny's hand to pull her along. Bunny blushed. He had done this many times when they were younger and it never felt weird, why did it now? She thought. 

Bunny just shook her head, trying to convince herself that she just felt strange because she was in a new place.

The two friends walked into the town, where their adventure would truly begin.

An adventure worthy of two heroes' new beginning...


A/N: Hope you enjoyed the new chapter of my story! Sorry for not updating for a while, I kinda forgot to ^^; . I'll try to update again next weekend.

Have a nice day/night! <3

Another World (DISCONTINUED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora