Chapter 21: Noah

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"Take of your pants" I sigh and slip off my pants holding them in my other hand. I stood in the middle of the living room in my tank top and and black lace panties. I felt so vulnerable and exposed. My father averted his eyes for a second, like he didn't want to to this.

He hunkered down and looked at my thighs. He gave my ankles a thight squeeze, and then slowly traveled up to my thighs. He looked at my face the whole time and it made me feel uncomfortable. He did the same to my other leg then asked me to turn around.

I slowly turned around and looked at Aiden. He looked nervous but immediately covered it when my father looked at him. My father looked at my bottom as fast as he can then averted his eyes.

"Okay, you can dress up now" I sighed in relief and slipped on my black jeans. I looked at my father and watched him staring at Aiden with pure venom. He slowly started walking towards Aiden and stopped a foot away from him.

The were both tall, a good six foot each but my father stood an inch taller. The just stared at each other. My father eyes dripped with venom while Aidens eyes where empty. Cold. I felt like I didn't know him. This wasnt the Aiden I know.

"Did you touch my daughter?" My father spoke. It finally came to me. My father was looking for bruising. Signs of force. Although with the realization came a question. Didn't my father trust Aiden?

"I dont know what do you think?"

"I'm not playing these games, Aiden."

"Neither am I... Alex" Aiden sounded challenging, and that wasnt a good idea considering that my father isn't so calm at the moment.

"I trust you. You're the only one who is allowed to do so much in this house, so tell me Aiden. Did I give you a little too much?"

"Why do you think that? You checked your daughter, no sign of force. And she told you, nothing happened. What more evidence do you want? Or you simply wanted someone to pick on, and you found me as an easy target?" My father backed away and softly chuckled in disbelief. Not going to lie, I was scared. Having two people you care about fighting brutally isn't so fun.

"Aiden, I think you should know by now that I'm not stupid. How do I know you didn't threaten her to keep quiet? No sign or evidence, but I know you're a smart man, Aiden"

"Like you said. Smart. Why would I go around and F*ck your daughter's p*ssy if I know the consequences?" My father clenched his jaw tightly in anger. I just stood there, not knowing what to do. I was frozen. Just listening to them fight.

"I've never seen you with a woman, Aiden. Never. Aren't you hangry? Because I've never seen a man with so much control" Aiden chuckled at my fathers words.

"Hungry? I respect women. Unlike everyone else in this god damn house, Alex. I would never force myself on a woman." Aiden was angry. He was shouting. He had another emotion in his eyes. Hurt.

"I apologize, Aiden. I know this is a very sensitive topic to you. But I really want to keep my daughter safe. Shes already in so much danger." Aiden looked away, refusing to face my father in the eyes. His face was cold again. Pure hatred in his eyes.

"Well if you really want you know if I f*cked your daughter, why dont you see it for your self ?" My father was confused for as second and so was I. The it happened so my jaw dropped.

Aiden pulled down his pants and well as his boxer briefs, revealing his... his... his big Aiden junior.

My father averted his eyes while I froze. Damn was Aiden junior big. I felt embarrassed , I wanted to cover my eyes but I was frozen. Aiden's eyes then found mine and his eyes softened. He looked at me in arousal as his bit his bottom lip. My body headed up. I was snapped out to reality and quickly covered my eyes with my hands. Aiden softly chuckled at my innocence.

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