Missing piece

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In the pov of Zelron

I prepared to leave to bring Brianna to her room when I looked down at Brianna. She had fallen asleep, tears still running down her cheeks. With my other hand, I gently wiped them away and sighed. Carrying her gently, I left to walk towards the residential living quarters. To be honest, I had wished to put her to live at the royal quarters, but I thought it might put too much pressure on her. In the end, we gave her a room among the higher-ranked servants. 

As I walked, I bit my lip slightly, as I noticed that the maids were staring at me carrying her, I glared at them, and they fled away from my sight. She doesn't need any more prying eyes around. Not when she is this vulnerable. 

I released my hostile aura slightly and, by doing so, caused the people in these parts of the castle to leave. It was well known that when I was in a bad mood, no one should approach me. I am merely taking advantage of such interpretations for now.

I cradled her to my arms properly and sighed as I looked at her teary face.

I know my selfishness caused these tears. My greed and possessiveness, but even though I know that I couldn't help but feel my darkness dissipating as I held her in my arms—such an irritating feeling. At the same time, I hate myself for causing her pain, but I also feel the lightest I have felt in centuries. 

God, why? Why did you need to make my kind so codependent on another person? 

I couldn't help it. Even though she was crying because of me, I still felt the calmest I have felt in 400 years. 

I reached her room and opened the door after balancing her on my other arm. I walked to the bed, and as I tried to lay her down on it, she didn't let go of my shirt.

Her hands grabbed me tightly, and even though I could force her fingers off me, I didn't. I couldn't bring myself to do so, so I simply laid down on her bed, holding her in my arms as she slept.

As I looked down on her, I wiped away her tears from her cheek and sighed as I felt my mind clearing. 

I wonder when the last time I felt like this was? That I felt so calm? I chuckled as I felt my lids getting heavy. I had forgotten how intense the calming effect of having your soul's missing piece next to you was. The exhaustion from the last 400 years was clearing. I felt like I could finally sleep at peace. 

In the pov of Brianna

It smells so good. I wonder what this scent is? Coffee? No, it's softer than that—such a sweet but calming scent. I tried to turn around in my half-asleep state, but something didn't allow such movement. Something strong and firm was keeping me still, not allowing me to budge even a little.

I opened my eyes slightly and saw a strange view in front of me. A view of a chest clad in a white shirt. I tilted my head up slightly and almost gasped. 

The owner of the chest was sleeping soundly, his black back-length hair falling to his face. His features were way too recognizable for me not to know who he was.


Why am I sleeping next to him? I tried to move away, but his hands were securely around my waist and back in a manner that didn't allow for movement. And boy was his grip strong. And it felt like his grip was only tightening as I tried to struggle free. After struggling for a minute, I gave up and simply stared at his face.

He really is handsome. His features are sharp and pretty. He is manly, there is no doubt about that, but at the same time, his face was beautiful. He had the exact right length nose, beautifully arched eyebrows, and long lashes. His jawline was sharp and strong.  I bit my lip slightly.

On Earth, people with his features would be of Asian descent, but I doubt he is one. All his people are beastmen, elves, or vampires, after all. Now that I think about it, I wonder what his race is?

He clearly isn't a beastman nor an elf. He doesn't have red eyes like Ronya, and I assume he would have told me if he was one of magus as I will most likely become one. Now that I think about it, Ronya called him the absolute oldest being. That most likely reveres to his soul, but I do wonder. Is there a separate race for the oldest souls? At least he doesn't seem to fit any of the races I know about.

As I stared at him, his emerald eyes opened up, and he returned my stare, which caused me to jump in my skin.

"Good morning. How are you feeling? Are you still sad?" His voice was hoarse as he had just woken up, and I couldn't help but wonder how he could be so calm after waking up next to a woman he hardly knows. If anything, he seems somewhat well-rested.

The thought of him being used to this floated into my mind, but I pushed it away as the rest of his sentence registered into my brain.

The memories from last night returned, and I cringed slightly.

"I'm sorry for troubling you. I feel a lot better." He nodded and loosened his grip around me as he seemed to notice he was constraining me.

"I'm glad." He rose his body up as my stomach kept a grumbly noise, and he smiled slightly.

"You should get breakfast. You didn't eat anything last night." He tried to get up, but then the memory of the thing I was supposed to ask him about returned to my mind, and I grabbed his sleeve. He looked at me, surprised. But he didn't resist me.

"I needed to ask you yesterday before I broke down. I heard that I had caused you trouble with the neighboring country. I'm sorry. Is there anything I could do to make it up to you? You are doing so much for me, but I'm just bringing you trouble." 

He smiled and ruffled my hair. 

"Don't worry about it. I'm curious about the person coming over anyway, and you are already helping me a lot." He paused slightly before adding, "By taking the job as a librarian." 

I let go of his sleeve, and he simply smiled.

"So don't worry about it. I have to get back to work now. I will ask someone to bring you food and to help you prepare for today." 

With that, he left the room, and my face turned red.

I pushed myself to the bed and rolled around, giggling. I then stopped mid-roll and wondered what had gotten into me.

Why does he affect me so much?

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