Getting settled

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I paced around nervously in my room. Today would be the first day I am working in the library as the librarian, and I am nervous. What if they don't like me? What if they treat me like an outsider?

Well, I am an outsider.

The thought spiraled me further into my anxious mindset. I had just finished breakfast that was brought to me, which didn't make me feel better. There is a whole dining hall. If I want to fit in, I should be enjoying at least some of my meals there. Maybe that would make me more approachable. If I'm going to have dinner with Zelron, I should have the other meals with the other workers.

My thought was cut short as I heard a knock from the door. It was quiet but concise. I smiled.

"You can come in." As I spoke, the door opened, and Lucia walked in holding some clothes in her left hand. She smiled as she saw me, and her bunny ears twitched slightly.

"I have come to help you get ready. I also brought your robes." She raised the pure white clothing on her hand and smiled even more brightly.

"Then please come on in." I gestured for her to enter, and she entered, hopping slightly and hung the robes on my closet door. 

"Isn't it gorgeous? Our librarian uniform." As Lucia spoke to me, I looked at the robes properly for the first time, and I sighed in admiration. The fabric was pure white silk. The hem was decorated with gold embroidered flowers. The outer rim of the robes had a small white fluffy trim. The robe had a massive hood with the same soft trim. Under the robe was a white maxi dress with similar golden embroideries. It was a gorgeous outfit. 

"Is this really a uniform? It seems too extravagant to be just a uniform." Lucia giggled slightly at my words.

"Everyone's uniforms are made of the absolute best materials. But I guess you are right. The librarian uniform stands out as it is one of a kind. There is only one librarian after all." She smiled at me, and I shook my head in thought and touched the hem of the robe. The silk was soft and felt like water on my hand. I don't think I have ever felt the silk of such high quality before.

"What is it made of? The silk." I asked Lucia in thought, and her answer shocked me.

"Ah, it's made from the cocoons of the magical beast called nightshade. It's this huge butterfly that lives only in specific areas around the edges of Osharia. We collect the cocoons after her young are born, and we make them into silk. It's full of magical energy, which makes it tougher than the hardest of metals. When you wear those robes, it's like you would wear full plate armor made from mithril or higher. In short, it is a magical item. Kind of. It doesn't have the ability, but its strength is that ability in short."

I looked at her, shocked.

"Then your uniform too?" Lucia smiled a mischievous smile.

"Of course. The same goes for everyone's uniforms. In short, we maids are not simply here to clean. We also work as part of the defense of the castle. More specifically, we protect the weaker workers and our guests. In short, I'm your bodyguard as well as a maid. But more importantly, I have to put your hair up and prepare you for your job. Sit down." She gestured towards the chair in front of my dressing table, and I sat down quietly.

I had gotten so many more questions, so I quietly continued the conversation as Lucia tied my hair into an elegant bun with braids and ribbons.

"I have been wondering. How strong are the different races? Compared to humans." Lucia thought for a while in silence before answering me.

"In short, it depends on the souls' age. You do know about the cycle of reincarnation, right?" I nodded.

"After the vessel dies, the soul consumes the memories of the previous vessel and grows stronger and then inhabits a vessel that is higher in power depending on the age of the soul, right?" Lucia nodded.

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