"It's more than alright," muttered Jimin looking up at the building. "Look!" Jimin slightly hit my arm and I looked to where he was pointing. Snowflakes landed on my eyelashes as I stared at the lite rooftop that he was talking about. 

"Yeah, that's really pretty." I didn't sound so enthusiastic like the others.

"What's wrong?" he asked wondering why I wasn't admiring the beautiful building. 

"Nothing, it's just nothing new."


"Oh I mean like there are so many buildings in Seoul that look just like this." 

"Oh, I guess. But it's still really pretty." 

"Yeah, I guess." I looked at the sign once again and sighed. 

The class started to walk into the building being led by an older male and a younger one. We walked up the four flights of stairs and I could already hear some people panting. Note: they really need to work out if they are panting after four flights. There are dancers for god's sake. I shook my head as I exited the stairwell and walked into the hallway. Immediately my eyes went to a black reception desk on the right which was empty except for the younger male standing in front of it watching the passing students. To the left was all glass which perfectly showed white dance room with mirrors covering almost every inch except for the left wall that had the logo 1million on it. 

"You guys can take off your schoolbags and sit against the mirrors." When I walked past the younger male he smiled at me but I ignored him walking in. 

"Do you know him?" asked Jimin.

"No." I shook my head. "Never seen him in my life." I walked in and sat down next to the sound system which was by the 1million sign. Jimin was going to sit next to me but Taehyung pulled him to sit closer to them. 

"What's wrong with you?" I could hear Jimin whisper to him. 

"Nothing. Just don't sit with her." I thought that whole thing was just petty and very primary school but whatever. 

"Good morning! How is everyone?" asked the older guy. He looked as if he was around his early thirties. 

"Good." most replied. I could see someone raise their hand.

"Yes?" he asked nicely. 

"Is he going to be our dance teacher?" it was Sumi who spoke. The older man chuckled. 

"He is going to be assisting your teacher." 

"Then who is going to be our teacher?" she asked really wanting to know who would be bossing her around for a month. 

"What if I told you the teacher was among you?" I shot my head up at the man who was smiling at Sumi. 

"The amazing dancer is among us?" she asked. The man smiled and nodded. "Who is it?" The man chuckled. 

"We are getting to it but before that let me introduce myself," he answered. "I am Mr. Kang. I am the CEO of this dance company. It's a pleasure to meet you guys." He looked my way then back at the younger man. "Before this young gentleman over here introduces himself, how about we play a little game?" Game? A weird time to play a game but okay? Everyone nodded, not really caring. 

"What game are we going to play Mr.Kang?"

"You want to know who your instructor will be, don't you?"

"Yes!" everyone responded rather enthusiastically. I was surprised they were so into this, I wouldn't think they would be. 

"Okay then with a raise of hands, who do you think your instructor is?" I raised my hand. The two men looked at me and smiled. "Yes, Ms....?"

"Oh uh Kim, Kim Seolhyun."

"Yes, Ms. Kim? Who do you think it is?" 


"Why do you think it's him?"

"He's a really good dancer so I wouldn't be surprised." he laughed. 

"Good guess but the instructor is actually a girl." 

"Yeah, Seolhyun," Sumi says in the voice that sounded much like a child's. 

"Now you want to be nice?" I could hear Taehyung mutter under his breath as I complimented Daehyun. 

"Is it Sumi?" asked Taehyung. 

"Is it?" he smiled. "Any more guesses before I reveal who she is?"  everyone shook their head. "Okay I'll have her come up but before I do everyone close their eyes. No peeking!" Everyone put their heads down. That's when it happened. Mr. Kang looked at me having his finger to his lips telling me to be quiet then he motioned for me to come. I very quietly got up trying to not make a sound as I walked. I stood next to the two men. The younger one put his arm around me shoulder slightly leaning on me. I looked up at him and snickered a bit trying my hardest to hold back my laughter. 

"I know that laugh..." I could hear Jimin say. 

"It sounds vaguely familiar" responded Jungkook. 

"No looking." Mr. Kang. He asked if we were ready I put up a thumbs up and just leaned against the tall man next to me waiting for their surprised faces. I know the members would be surprised but end up laughing all except one. He would probably be angry that I will be bossing him around for a month along with Sumi. Daehyung would probably also laugh. The rest I wasn't so sure.

"Can we look now?" our dance teacher snickered in the background hearing the students grow inpatient. 

"Okay. Look!" everyone looked and gasps could be heard as I stood there smiling but not the really cute kind. "Meet your new dance instructor for the month." 

"Hey, guys. I'm Emily or Kim Seolhyun as you know by." I passed the imaginary mic over to the tower beside me. 

"Hi, I'm Sungmin." I smiled. 

"We are going to be your dance instructors for the month." I smiled and the two of us bowed ninety degrees. "I'm sure we'll have lots of fun" I put an innocent smile. 

"You've got to be kidding me." 


the truth. 

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