Chp 10

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You reached your home, just then it started raining. You stood near the balcony, listening to "If You" Jungkook's cover. It felt like he was talking to you. You didn't care to get wet, but listening to his songs while it was raining was the only thing you wanted to do forever.
Whenever it rained, it reminded you of Jungkook, how childish he would act and drag you out from under your umbrella. The way you both used to wiggle and move your butts while singing in the rain.

You smiled thinking about the good times. Now when it rains, it an opportunity for you, cause you won't be the only one crying.

"Aishh what am I even thinking," you thought and tried to distract yourself working?
Today You missed him, you miss him every day, but today you couldn't control your feelings. You wanted him always. Though you were really Independent, there would be magazines about you and the way you rose, being the only inspiration for millions of girls, you were weak too deep down you missed him, you still loved him.

You completed your work, yet you couldn't get Jungkook off your mind.

You slept. To escape reality.

You woke up at 4 am craving for an Ice cream bucket (the LARGE ONE) and a LARGE pizza.

You wore an oversized hoodie and jeans and left the house, You walked alone it rained, you had the umbrella, but you don't want to use it. You wanted to miss him. You wanted to cherish all the moments.

You walked all the way to the shop and bought yourself an ice cream bucket and pizza. You found a good spot to sit. There was a bench with a street light nearby. You sat there and ate your pizza while stuffing ice cream with the other hand. Someone came and sat beside you. You looked at him.

"Eye staring contest-ssi ?"-Y/N
"Huh ? " he looked at you confused and then started laughing
"Yes, it's me. You see I'm new here just wanted to Explore a little. Why do you wear a mask ?"-The eye staring contest guy
"Ahh, I'm well known here. But why do you wear?"-Y/N
"I'm an Idol Kpop Idol"-Eye staring contest guy
"Omo, That's the reason you looked like one"-Y/N

The Eye staring contest guy was now having a contest with your pizza and ice cream. He looked cute, You gave him a slice, he denied at first but his stomach didn't. At last, You ended up sharing it with him. You both ate it, he would turn his head every time he took a bite. Why would he do that? Even you lowered for gaze and almost covered your eyes with the hoodie cause he was uncomfortable all the time.

Just when you were about to leave, he back hugged you, you were startled.
"Be well, you know you are pregnant miss"-Eye Staring contest guy, he said with a concerned face.
You smiled and patted his back while hugging him back.
He broke the hug and you were about to leave when he held your wrist and took your umbrella and opened it for you.
"T-thank you. Though I don't use umbrella much."-Y/N
"Why ?"-Eye staring Contest guy
"It reminds me of someone I loved"
You said looking at the opened umbrella above your head.
"Oh, but be safe at least for me."- Eye Staring Contest guy
"I'll Bye"-Y/N

You waved and left. On your way back you touched your tummy.
"Meal was good right ?"-Y/N
"Aish what am I even saying "-Y/N
You talked to yourself and reached your home.
You took a bath and slept.

"I miss Jungkook, The Eye Staring Contest guy who is he, he reminds me of Jungkook."

LOVE ME AGAIN | J.J.K ✔ Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora