Sentiment? Us.

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He looked at me, his eyes glistening in the light, his face was plain and held no emotion, he stared into my eyes. Like he was looking into my soul, silently.

"You are..." He said slowly.

My heart was pounding quickly, because I didn't know what he would say. I didn't know how to react to what he would say.

I didn't even know what I wanted to hear.

He was deep in thought as he stared into my eyes, an I could tell he was trying to select what to say.

"You are...everything to me,Y/N." He said quietly, yet still audible.

"So, our relationship is..." I said slowly, looking down and trying to hide my blushing face.

"Our relationship is that of no other." He said, a smile appearing on his face.

"That of no other...what is that of no other?" I asked gazing in his eyes.

"Sentiment." He said.

"Sentiment?" I asked.

"Us. We are sentiment." He confirmed.

"That's what we are..." I said smiling at him.

"Yes...exactly..." He said running his hand through my hair which was still a bit damp from the rain.

"Sherlock?" I asked again.

"Yes?" He asked.

"I love you." I said, my face flushing bright crimson.

"Y/N?" He asked me.

"Yes?" I replied.

"I know." He whispered, climbing on top of me, and my back now down to the bed.

I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss.

We are Love.

We are Passionate.

We are Sentiment.

The End.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading this!

There will be a sequel soon! I really enjoyed writing this but it's not over so don't worry :) the romance has only just begun.

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