#2: The Blue Eyed Bastard

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'It was the best of times the worst of crimes'




You slowly climbed down from the vent, trying your best to be absolutely silent. This was the second artifact you needed to find.

There were 10 artifacts, 9 clues, and 10 rings. That was all you needed, and then you could get the money you wanted and run away from your parents.

It was all you wanted.

You silently dropped to the ground, dressed in a black catsuit. You had gotten it from the man who had trained you, Ivan, along with all your other tools.

His name was basically the most you knew about him.

But he had given you everything, including your name.

Well, your criminal name.

Everyone knew Black Bonnie, one of the most renowned thieves.

She came and she went, always wearing black.

Standing in a nice glass case was an old Egyptian Vase. The last artifact, which had been a tombstone, told you to come here.

Well not really, the clue had been a simple riddle.

It was completely dark in the museum, and you had timed it perfectly. The guards were busy in a different wing.

You grabbed out a diamond glass cutter and cut a hole in the glass. You gently placed the glass circle on the ground and reached to grab the ancient vase.

A whistle pierced the air, and you retracted your hands, looking around.

You grabbed your knock out perfume slowly, and raised it up to the direction the whistling was coming from. You checked your watch, you had three minutes.

Three minutes until the security cameras came back online.

Three minutes until the security guards came back to continue their patrol.

Three minutes until you had to get the hell out of there.

The whistling stopped, and while holding the perfume up with one hand, you used the other to fish inside of the ancient vase.

Your hand found a rolled up piece of paper with a ring around it. You grabbed it, and then examined it.

The ring was jade, and it fit perfectly around the paper.

Out of nowhere, a rope wrapped around your waist and pulled you forward. You dropped your perfume in the process, but managed to keep a hold of the piece of paper.

You stopped being yanked forward, and you were now pressed against a man's chest.

I am confusion, you thought.

You looked up, and were met with a pair of electric blue eyes. The rope unwinded from your waist, and he put a gun back in his pocket.

The two of you stared at each other for a second, his arms wrapped around your waist, both of you getting a weird sense of deja vu.

Before he could expect it, you kicked him in the crotch, causing him to stagger backwards. You ran back to the vase, quickly using your tools to repair the glass, making it look as if nothing happened.

You looked at the rolled up paper and ring in your hand triumphantly, and did a quiet cheer. After checking your watch, you started getting ready to get out of there.

You started attaching yourself to the rope you had climbed down on. "Don't go yet. I need that." a voice pierced the silence.

You looked up, your eyes meeting a pair of blue ones. "Oh really?" you taunted him, trying to ignore the sense of deja vu you were getting.

"Yeah. You're trying to get all the artifacts. So you can unlock the box, right?" he asked, you noticed that he was dressed in janitor clothes.

You stayed silent. He was right. But how could he know? "Who's your buyer?" he asked. "How did you know?" you question.

"Know what?"

"How did you know where the second artifact was then?" you looked him dead in the eye.

"I have my sources." he smirked at you.


"I know you, don't I?" the guy asked, throwing you off guard.

"What? No." you replied, going through your memories trying to see where you've seen him before.

"The look in your eyes says otherwise." he replied, smiling.

Why did that smile seem so familiar?

"Wow, I guess your personality changed to match the dress." now, the blue eyed bastard was smirking.


Harrison Osterfield.

That was his name.

"Says the janitor who apparently steals stuff." you retorted after a few moments of silence.

"You remember. What else could I expect, Ms. (Y/L/N)?" Harrison took off his janitor outfit, revealing his black getup.

"It's (Y/F/N)." you replied, holding back a smirk.

That was when the alarm decided to ring. Everything was covered in a bright glow of red, and the obnoxious noise filled your ears. You panicked, quickly attaching yourself to the rope.

You clutched the roll of paper in your hand, looking at Harrison. After the time you had met, you never saw him again. But even years later, you had to admit, his eyes were still gorgeous. At the moment he was panicking, when the alarm goes off is when every thief knows they are in trouble.

"Sorry, but I gotta go." you commented, and the rope started pulling you back up to the vent.

Before you made it all the way up, you felt someone grab your foot. You looked down, expecting it to be Harrison, instead it was one of the security guards. The guard started pulling you down.

Out of nowhere, a dart hit his arm, and the guard collapsed to the ground. You turned to see Harrison holding a dart gun. Several other guards were coming from behind him. He had no chance of escaping now.

He looked you in the eyes, "Run."

(A/N: Thanks for reading! I'm sorry this chapter took a little while to come out, but I just moved. Anyway, make sure to vote and comment! And if you have any friends you think will like this fic, make sure to tell them!)

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