The light is in the forest.

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{dear diary,
I'm Fitin. My name means: a sharp-witted and clever person.
I have a younger sister named Tayci. Her name means: A silent girl.
I am 12 years of age, well Tayic is 3 years of age.
Are parents don't want us, so today they left us near the Irozi-Carraig forest. I know they will never come back for use, they left us here to die in this forest. Irozi-Carraig is named for being rocky and having lots of roses. From the outside it is as pretty as the Hallerbos forest, but if you go in there is no doubt that you will get hurt, but this is the safest place to be for us now.
I am writing this at around 10pm. That is if I'm right about the position of the moon and sun.
I have found a cave and Tayic keeps going to a hallowed tree near the cave. I keep bringing her back to the cave, but she keeps on going.
So fair the cave seems to be the safest place we have ever been. I can see the stars shining their light on me and Tayic. It is really amazing.
Anyway I guess this is goodnight for now.}

I put my diary away in my bag. I hope that every thing will turn out well for us. I grab Tayic and lay with her in my arm.
"Good night little sister." I say as I fall to sleep.

*the next morning*

I slowly woke up to the sound of morning birds. It was Beautiful. I slowly remembered the events of yesterday. I thought of the car, the house, the roses, then my sister.
My sister! I frantically looked around trying to see were Tayic was, but she was nowhere to be seen. I went out of the cave that is now my home in search of my little sister. I went to the tree she was at yesterday but she was not there. However her foot prints were. I followed them to a group of monkeys. Among them was Tayic, playing with the smallest monkey. I looked at my sister in amazement, but that was not the most surprising thing about all this. As I looked at all the monkeys I realized something, they were not just monkeys but chimps, gorillas, and monkeys. All kinds of them I didn't know the name of some of them.
I was surprised to see so many animals living in one group. Especially in a forest known for being hard and very harsh to live in.
I turn my attention back to Tayic. I start to walk to her, but some of the animals got in my way. I never saw them before coming here, they were black and white with long tails that had a big tuff of white hair at the end. They were amazing to look at. I was taking out of my trance when one of the bigger monkeys started to pick up Tayic.
"Please don't hurt my sister!" I yelled.
Some of the younger looking animals hid behind the older ones when I yelled. I felt bad for startling them but Tayic comes first.
One of the elderly looking monkeys came up to me. They walked around me, circling me. They came to a stop in front of me. They stared into my eyes.
The elderly monkey suddenly turned to the big monkey that had my sister. He waved his hand for them to come. Soon the monkey came over and the elderly monkey took Tayic from the bigger one. The elderly monkey handed Tayic to me, patting her on the head when she was secure in my arms.
"Thank you." I said and turned around heading back to the cave, but as soon as I started walking I heard feet moving. I turned my head to see that all the monkeys, chimps, and gorillas where starting to fallow me. I turned to them fully.
"Are you going to follow me home?" I asked with a sigh.
They seemed to understand what I asked, as they all nodded there heads. I sighed again and turned around walking to the cave again. I just hope nothing bad will come with this.
As we were walking I see the elderly monkey coming closer to me tell they were walking beside me. They had a young monkey on there back. They kept on looking at Tayic. I don't think they trust me with her, but Tayic is my sister and she is my responsibility. I love my sister and will not let anything happen to her.
We soon reached the cave I call home. When I went in I saw that some of the gorillas had stopped and were standing right outside the cave looking around. They reminded me of guards. The rest of the animals came in with me. The elderly monkey stayed by my side as the other animals went and made themselves at home. The monkey that was on the elderly monkey got off his back but stayed with us.
I put Tayic on the floor and she instantly went to the young monkey. They left to go with the other young animals in the cave. I went to sit down on the floor of the cave, my back against the wall of the cave. I see the elderly monkey coming to sit down next with me. As they sit I just stare at them. When they have gotten comfortable they retch out there hand and pat me on the head. I accepted it as a friendly welcome to the family.
In the corner of my eye I saw some of the monkeys going out of the cave. I thought they were going to play in the trees so I left it alone. About fifteen minutes after they left they came back with food. Different kinds of plants, with many different colours. I haven't seen most of them around the forest at all, but the animals have gathered so many. I see some of them bring a few rocks over to what they have gathered. They start to separate each kind of plant then when they were done they took two rocks and started to grind some of the plants down. They some put the grinder plants on the berries. Some of the chimps stared to give the same amounts of food to everyone. The young monkey that was playing with Tayic got double the servings and so did the elderly monkey. I soon saw the young monkey head over to Tayic. They handed her the food. I smiled softly at the monkey. As I was watching them the elderly monkey came over and tapped me on the shoulder. I looked at them and they held out some food for me. I took it from them and smiled. Everyone ate happily. After eating everyone did there own thing. The elderly monkey left me some time after eating. So I got to watch everything that happened in the cave. Some of the chimps played outside well the rest of the animals stayed inside most of the time. It soon stared to get dark out. The monkeys fell asleep first then the chimps then some of the gorillas. Tayic fell asleep with the young animals in a corner. I think that two older females from each animal group were with them but I couldn't tell for sure if they were female. I shrugged it off and took out my diary.

{dear diary,
Today was very special. My little sister Tayic left are cave and I found her with some monkeys, chimps, and gorillas. They seem to like her a lot. They came back with us to are cave. The elderly looking monkey gave me food. It is getting dark and me and four of the gorillas are up. I think they are watching over us. Goodnight.}

I put my diary back in the bag and lay down. I start to drift off once again, to the world of dreams.

Brother & sister of the Irozi-Carraig forestWhere stories live. Discover now