"What are those things are the like dragons of some sort?" She asked fully seriously 'how can someone be so innocent and so bad ass at the same time?' Mishal thought and for a moment they both stared at each other's eyes

"Okay,...um.. movies/ films, are a type of visual communication which uses moving pictures and sound to tell stories or teach people something..."his hand traveled to his mouth then coughed awkwardly trying to clear his throat

"Like a play? Oh how I loved plays growing up Shakespeare was such a delight." Her eyes sparked as she remembers her childhood best friend

"Wait how do you know about Shakespeare?" He asked in disbelief 'she doesn't look a day older than 20'he thought

"Oh he was a hollowjin well without the fagara shqo'sh marawo he was basically a hin." In his ears she spoke gibberish little did he know some words she gave out were from ancient jinnti

"A half ling-- a hybrid or something."the ruby eyed woman explained further but that just made him more confused "...anyways, the move of visual what it is about?" April sighed out fixing her position to make herself more comfortable

"Let me show you." He pulled out a phone 'wifi is strong in here how am I not surprised' tapping on a app and playing the first episode of friends."



Woodcreek High School

Where everyone either bullys or whores around , only a small ratio in there were actually unsucky and lucky for that school Lucy Give is here to punch someone

Walking to her locker she spotted a jock bullying a ginger girl, she looked so defeated and scared which was understandable

Teachers gave up on the attitude problems after one student go one fired a year ago

No one gives a shit in is school about rich jocks, look away was everyone's reaction when it came for then to get their justice but Lucy here is not like anyone else "Hey loser why dont you-"the bully was cut of by him being slammed on to one locker by a great force called justice

"Listen and listen well if you dare say a word to this girl again things are going to look ugly and by that I dont mean your already messed up face." Her voice was dark she was thinking about dark things it disgusted her the way the boy was acting as if he was better than everyone else "Oh really what are you going to do about it 8/10."

She raised a brow while forming a fist"I did warn ya bud."the brunette spat out



"I cant believe you did this Lucy I'm so disappointed!" It took all those words for Lucy to wear her white earphone that blocked Camila's rumbles

They were near Hill's island the steel bridge that linked the island to new York was just in their view

Listing to rap music Lucy looked out of the window to recognize a woman she fletched then attempted to open the car" THAT'S MY MOM!" She yelled too frustrated that the door is locked

"Hunn-" Camila tried to calm her but Lucy was finally able to open the car's door

"Mom!" She basically threw herself out of the car tripping over a couple of time before hugging the dead body

"Ma'am I am asking you step away this is a murder investigation-"

"Is my dad okay? Miya? Finn?!" She cried out her relative's names, the officer looked down at the older Replica whose lifeless body is now to rott then to the scared teenager and sighed

"What's your name, monkey?" He kneeled down

"Lucy." She answered while looking  down, eyes filled with tears they basically drowned " a baby newborn is the only survivor go you know her name?" This shocked her a little

She shook her head while camila gave out a white lie"She was put up for adoption and I'm her adoptive mother  Camila Martinez."

"Well I guess he is going to the foster-" 'no she cant I dont want her too.' Lucy thought as she gulped down the purniment pain of a new scar that will forever stay on her heart

"Wait, I can adopt him." Camila bites her lips pushing all miserable memories behind

"I dont see why not I'll call some people and you sign something contracts and she would be yours."

"How did this happen?" Lucy finally gained some strength to speak, he looked at her with so much sadness that it pained her to realise that she will never be with them again"You dont have to worry about it, kiddo."



"I can't believe you slept with my baby sister!" Tom - the man with the body of a beast- punched his friend in the jaw nearly disconnected

"I'm a year younger than you, stupid." Ivy stepped in all while trying to hold him back from doing something they will all regret

Hill didn't seem to be bothered by the punch, his eyes were staring at a hanged painting not even wanting to look at Tom. it's true when people say an apple doesn't fall far from the tree

"Your right your not a baby anymore your an adult who can choose who ever you want to sleep with." His fingers ghostly clanged forming a fist

"Oh, your done." Hill finally looked at him "not to be rude or anything but can you leave my room I've got an interview in an hour."

"With all of this on your face?" Evans pointed her fingers towards Hill's black eye and resent bruised up skin she didnt miss the puffy lip that looked like it was about to burst

"Nothing new. If they asked I'll tell our story of me sleeping with your sister." Hill explained

"You little-"

"Oh, I'm not." Ivy Shrugging agreeing with his statement

Sorry for the delay my aunt died and well yeah

HERO'S  LUCK: START OF A NEW ERAWhere stories live. Discover now