Some more Cream!

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~(five weeks before Lux existed--NO THERE WILL NOT BE SIN SO DON'T ASK >:V) 

also im listening to ilomilo by billie eilish while writing this. . .  :v~

    Dream rubbed his eyes sleepily, standing out before the vast ocean at the head of a gray ship with one yellow glove on the railing. He looked into the distance at the morning waters wondering how a cruise at Undersail would help Cross and him grow closer together. They already were confirmed dating. Suddenly feeling a little dizzy, he turned and retreated to the almost hotel room to sit on a light brown chair. He wondered what to do before Cross burst in, making Dream jump. Dream stood up, but fell back on the chair as more dizziness sunk in from the lack of blood. Cross noticed and immediately came over. 

     Cross took Dream in his arms and embraced him, feeling his presence calm him slowly. Dream hugged him back, and for a while they just sat there. Dream's face returned to it's usual light yellow blush. Comfortably, Dream pulled away slowly and stood up. Cross and he locked eyes, and felt very silly. "What do you want to do today? Cross asked. 

     Dream frowned slightly, thinking. "I-I'm not sure. What is there to do?" His (nonexistent?)stomach grumbled in complaint.

     Cross laughed a little as Dream blushed. "Why don't we get breakfast? I'm hungry too."

     Dream didn't complain as Cross held his hand and the two walked out into the hallway. They began to head towards the stairs. 

     Cross glanced over at Dream. "You look pretty today."

     Dream smiled. "I wear this on special occasions, but my gloves and boots are the same. Dream had put on a pastel yellow robe with gold accents on the ends, and a teal belt was wrapped around his waist. A light blue cape with the hood down was tied around his neck while a sparkling blue scarf that looked like a waterfall was draped along his arms and around the back. 

     Cross glanced away as to not get a nosebleed and instead focus on his own apparel, still black and white like usual. He pulled up his turtleneck over his mouth with his free hand and turned to Dream. "I'm a bandit!" he said in a muffled voice. Dream laughed and regained his composure after seeing the stairs. 

     "Be careful going down, you don't want to trip." Dream sighed worriedly. I care about you a lot, his mind thought. This was the first time that he loved someone. It was a new experience, 350 years of humans addicted to his aura and he couldn't love them back. 150 years of staying in one place, stuck in stone. Meeting Ink and befriending him. But Ink could feel just about anything if he tried. But then he met Cross. . . a skeleton who was suffering and mourning his entire family. Memories of his life had been held in his hopes and dreams. But he had never wanted to feel those old feelings again. . .Working with Nightmare in a desperate hope to rebuild his AU. Dream had never wanted anyone join with his brother. . .Cross had walked around angrily and blinded by hatred, and Dream had to intervene. Cross had finally realized how to feel happiness again, how to feel love. Ever since, Dream and Cross had developed a relationship, confessing, embracing, both new to the thought of being a couple.

     "I will. But the real question is, will you be careful?" Cross stepped down the final steps, and waited for Dream to do as well. 

     "Hehe. Of course!"

     The two scanned the room, a buffet table laid out with breakfast foods and temmie flakes stood in the middle of it all. Customers, usually in couples, milled about over the expanse of tables and chairs. "Dream, would you mind getting us a table?"

     "Oh. Of course not! I'll find one right away." He gently let go of his hand and scuttled off.

     Cross paused a second. "Wait," he called out.

     Dream turned, and weaved between some people eating a quiche.

     "Yes?" he asked when he reached Cross.

     "What would you like to eat?" Cross nodded at the buffet table.

     "Oh. Um, anything appley?" Dream's favorite food were apples.

     Cross smiled. "I'll see if I can find anything for you."

     Dream smiled back. "Thanks." He turned back and through the people.

     Cross grabbed a tray, and two plates. He moved through the line, getting himself some chocolate chip pancakes and butter to go on top of them. He noticed that there were an assortment of desserts, and a big majority of them were apple-flavored. He didn't know Dream's preference, so he just took one of each. By the time he was done, one plate was stacked with pancakes and the other with apple desserts. He went back to the direction he saw Dream heading, and saw him at a table dimly lit with two lamps. Dream waved him over. Cross dropped the stuff down, and gave Dream a quick peck on the cheek before whispering, "I'll get the other things. Apple juice?"

     Dream gazed at him happily. "Yes, please."

     Cross nodded before disappearing again. Dream was staring at the food, looking at the delicious apple streusel on the pie. Almost enough to eat it right now. . .no! Dream grudgingly restrained himself before he could eat. 

     Cross quickly came back carrying a small two-drink holder, with one glass full of chocolate milk, and the other one with apple juice. In his other hand, he held some utensils. He put the items on the table and sat down. "Let's eat!"

     Dream took the plate of desserts and a fork and started to gently eat it, no matter how much he wanted to wolf it down. Cross used a fork and a knife and cut the syrup-soaked pancakes, turning them into small chunks of pancake, before eating them. They ate in silence, and they gazed at each other smiling. 

~hope you enjoyed!!!!

--Spirit :)

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