3. Young Volcanoes

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(Pete's P.O.V)

There were only a few things that could put me in a good mood when I felt angry or if I was upset. Music, paint ball and laser tag. I pulled in front of the place I came to play laser tag at. This seemed like the safest place to being Patrick too because I was afraid that he would smash my guitars or shoot someone with a paint ball gun until he seriously hurt them. Patrick looked at me with a curious expression on his face.

"Trust me," I told him.

We slipped out of the car and I made sure to lock it before going inside. Patrick seemed hesitant to step inside so I reached out and grabbed his arm. I dragged him into the building then towards the counter where you paid. Several minutes later we were ready to play and I could see the excitement running through Patrick's body. His fingers twitched over the trigger of the gun they had given him and a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. The sounds of the supposed 'gunfire' echoed around the room and I could hear people laughing. Every now and then someone would dart past us.

Patrick and I sat on the ground behind a large block. We were trying to devise a plan for the both of us. We knew that there were others playing but our goal was to try and avoid them so that we could target each other. I peered around the corner of the block to see that area was clear for the time being.

"Okay we'll split up and we'll try to find each other in five minutes," I said.

"Okay," Patrick agreed.

I took to the left and darted up a flight of stairs. Not once did I glance over my shoulder I only glanced over my shoulder when I reached the top of the stairs. I tried my best to be alert as I crept towards a block on the other side of the room. I could hear footsteps nearby and I knew that these people would get me before I got them, it always happened. Thankfully I made it to the block before anyone got me. I peered around the box to see Patrick was creeping his way towards the block. I grinned and moved out from behind the box and sprinted towards the other side of the room as quick as possible. I found another place to hide before Patrick even noticed that I had left.

He had his finger over the trigger and he was making his way over to the spot where I had previously hidden. A laugh bubbled up the back of my throat and I did my best to contain it, thankfully I managed to keep it hidden. I placed a finger over the trigger and I rose to my feet and pointed the gun at Patrick. I was about to pull the trigger when the vest I was wearing made a noise. I made eye contact with Patrick to see that he was grinning like he had just won the lottery.

"I knew you were there!" he exclaimed. "I'm not stupid Wentz. I saw you running."

If I couldn't see the grin on his face I would almost think that Patrick was angry at me. I rolled my eyes at him as I moved out from behind the place I had hidden. Patrick walked with me as I put myself back into the game. The moment Patrick looked away I aimed my gun at Patrick and pulled the trigger. Patrick quickly spun around to face me with a look of pure shock on his face. I couldn't help but start laughing at the bewildered expression that was being displayed.

"That's so unfair," Patrick whined.

I slapped my hand on his shoulder and grinned at him. "Life isn't fair."

Patrick managed to return my grin but the longer I grinned the more I could feel my façade slipping. I had meant more in that sentence than Patrick realized.


Patrick and I spent several hours playing laser tag but we eventually left when we started to get hungry. I took Patrick to a pizza shop that was just down the road from the laser tag place. I decided it would be best to take the pizza back to my place so that I could trick Patrick into helping me work on the song I was trying to write. On the drive back to my house Patrick kept opening and closing the lid to the pizza box, I knew that he was teasing me and I found some sort of amusement in his attempts at trying to tease me.

"This pizza smells good," Patrick moaned as he took a piece out and waved it in front of my face. He brought the slice back closer to him and took a bite, allowing another moan to escape his mouth. "Aw it tastes so good!"

After Patrick finished the pizza slice he opened the box up again and reached in to take another slice. I took one hand off the wheel and smacked his hand away from the lid then slammed the lid down. Patrick chuckled at me and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Please leave some pizza for me," I begged.

Patrick laughed and flipped the lid back open. "I promise to leave a slice for you."

The look on Patrick's face made me believe that he would eat everything in that box. I was thankful when I pulled into my driveway. I snatched the box from Patrick's grip and sprinted towards the front door to my house. I quickly ripped my keys out of my pocket and unlocked the front door then I stepped inside the house while grabbing a slice of pizza for myself, I raised it to my mouth and took a bite. Patrick was right. This pizza was amazing. I took another slice out of the box then handed it back to Patrick.

"So what's the plan?" Patrick asked, taking a seat on my desk chair with the pizza box in his hands.

I grabbed my two acoustic guitars and handed one to Patrick. I took a seat on my bed and checked to see if the guitar in my hands was tuned. Thankfully it was, saving me the trouble of tuning it again. Patrick wasn't as lucky as I was. He skilfully plucked the strings on the guitar I had given him and he tuned it by ear. I was seriously impressed.

"I want to work on getting the first verse and the chorus right today," I said.

I handed Patrick the sheet with the lyrics we had worked on the last time he was here.

"You want me to sing?" Patrick asked.

I nodded. "I'd rather know the chords properly before I start singing."

"Who says that I want to sing?" Patrick demanded.

I rolled my eyes at him. "You have no choice! I'll let you have more than half of the pizza if you do this."

Patrick grinned. "Deal!"

Patrick checked if the guitar was tuned one more time before he started playing and singing.

"I don't know where you're going

But do you got room for one more troubled soul?

I don't know where I'm going

But I don't think I'm coming home and I said

I'll check in tomorrow if I don't wake up dead

This is the road to ruin

And we're starting at the end

" Say yeah (yeah!)

Let's be alone together (yeah)

We could stay young forever (yeah)

Scream it from the top of your lungs, lungs, lungs

Say yeah (yeah!)

Let's be alone together (yeah)

We could stay young forever (yeah)

We'll stay young, young, young, young, young," Patrick sung.

He stopped and looked up at me with a lopsided grin and I just stared at him, dumbstruck. Patrick's voice was so amazing that it topped Billie Joe's and Tom DeLonge's voice! It even topped Alex's and everyone else I knew that could sing. He sounded like an angel if that's even possible. Okay, maybe I it was.

"Holy shit! Patrick!" I exclaimed.

"I know, I know I'm bad," Patrick replied.

"No way! You're amazing!" I said.

Patrick smiled. "You really think so?"

I nodded fervently. "Yes I do."

A blush touched Patrick's cheek. "Um, thanks . . . I guess. Can we please move onto something else?"

"Sure," I replied.

I began to play the song again from the beginning and Patrick joined in making me smile as we played the song.

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