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Harry is relieved.

He wasn't crying because he was scared how everyone would react, he was crying because he didn't want to die. If a Veela's soulmate rejects them or doesn't like them back, a Half-Veela would die in a week and a full Veela will die in 24 hours, or a full day. Harry had some hope, because he didn't feel much pain, but even a little bit of pain is a bad sign.

The next morning, Harry woke up with his hair being stroked and twirled. Harry sighed and turned his head to see Draco Malfoy looking down at him. Harry couldn't help but smile. Draco moved his free hand to Harry's back. They laid there together for a bit and Harry for once felt no pain. It was an amazing feeling. Even though it wasn't better than having his soulmate like him back. 

At 6:30 Harry and Draco got up and walked to their next class together, to sort of protect eachother. Once they got to potions, they took two seats in the far back to stay away from Harry's old seat.

As others walked in, they stared at the two boys. When Ron and Hermione walked in, Harry looked at Draco and then down, grabbing Draco's hand and lightly squeezing it.

"Hey, look! Its the 'golden boy'!" Ron mocks and Hermione gives him a dirty look.

Harry looks up, and Draco could see his eyes brimming with tears.

"I didn't choose this. I didn't want to be the 'golden boy'. It could have been Neville. I don't waNT TO DIE!!" Harry says, tears pushing their way out of his eyes as he stands up. Harry raises the hand Holding Draco's, which forces him to stand with Harry, and everybody gasps. Draco could feel his face getting hotter, so he looks at Harry and sits down, looking down, and covering his face. Harry joins him, with a look of triumph on his face, still holding Draco's hand.

The day goes somewhat normally. Other than some more dirty looks from Ron, Harry and Draco don't get much hate.

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