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Jeongin came back into the room, I had finished packing my things away and put my suitcases under the bed.

"Do you want to watch a movie or something?" He asked and I nodded.

We went to the TV and he handed me the remote.

"You choose a movie, I'll make some popcorn and get some drinks

"Sounds fun" I replied, he smiled and we went out of the room to the TV.

He handed me the remote and we smiled at each other.

"You choose a movie, I'll make some popcorn and get us some water, you need to drink a lot, okay?" He said and I nodded.

I chose (your favourite movie) and had it ready to play. He came back struggling to carry everything, I took the popcorn from his arms whilst he put the water down.

"I also got a blanket" He said and held it up, I smiled and he sat down beside me and laid the blanket over us. He handed me some water and put the popcorn between us and I started the movie.

Since today was so tiring, I made it half way into the movie before falling asleep.

Jeongin's POV

While watching the movie, I felt something lightly fall onto my shoulder. I looked over and saw Y/N had fallen asleep on my shoulder. I smiled widely and tried to stay awake, but I failed.

*** the next morning ***

"Psst... PSST" Chris was whispering which made me wake up. He smiled and pointed and me and Y/N, who was still asleep on my shoulder.

"No one else is awake, but if you don't want the rest of the members teasing you I suggest you both go back to your room" He said with a smile and I nodded.

"Thank you" I said, he went away to cook breakfast and I carefully picked her up and carried her to her bed. She needed to rest as much as possible. I tucked her in and she shuffled to make herself comfortable whilst still asleep. I smiled as she slept peacefully, and I lost track of time until there was a knock at the door. The knock woke up Y/N and made me turn around.

"Come in" I said quietly, Chris came into the room and smiled at both of us.

"I just wanted to check how Y/N is doing" He asked and she smiled.

"I'm fine, thank you though" She answered softly since she has just woken up.

"Here's breakfast for the both of you" He handed me two plates and I gave one to Y/N.

"Thank you!" We both said in unison.

"You're welcome lovebirds" He said and winked, shutting the door leaving us to ourselves. We both turned to each other with pink-ish cheeks.

"Why did he say-" She was about to ask but I cut her off.

"He saw us both asleep on the couch, he said to move because the others would tease us" I said and she nodded.

***a few weeks later***


Since I have been fit to practice, we have all been practicing hard together. JYP evaluated my progress whilst working with Stray Kids and he believes I am making good progress despite my time out of practice.

I have spent time with everyone, getting close to all of them and knowing them as people more and more each day.

Since it was a Sunday, I woke up later and noticed Jeongin wasn't in his bed. I looked over to my phone and saw a post it note on it.

secrets | yang jeongin x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora