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I woke up the next morning and read the email, I'm spending my day with Stray Kids tomorrow... and moving into their dorm?! I mean, I guess I could find out whether Jay is Jeongin if I get time... I'm probably going crazy though. I mean, why would Jeongin want to talk to me of all people?

Today I practiced as much as I could so that I wouldn't embarrass myself training in front of Stray Kids. I adore them so much so the last thing I want them to do is have them laugh at me. I also packed all my things to take to the dorm with me.

I didn't pick up my phone up all day, and Jay got worried about me. I explained that I was busy all day but then I remembered that I hadn't checked my mail. I was expecting something from JYP to confirm my training.

When I opened the letter box, not only did I have my confirmation of being a JYP trainee, but I had a letter with nothing written on it.

I was confused but I took it and went to my room to open it.



i know where you live, you can't escape me, you are going to come home otherwise there will be consequences



How the hell has he found where I live?! I wanted to scream, at least I am moving into the dorms which are more secure tomorrow.

I didn't sleep that night, I was too scared too. I put the note from my father in my phone case. I bet if he found out that I had just thrown it away he would do even more than I could imagine...

I stayed awake for the night reading until I saw the sunrise. I got up and had a very strong coffee to keep me awake, and some sugared pancakes to give me even more energy. After a while, I felt as if I had had a good night of sleep, but it was probably just the sleep deprivation.

I got myself ready and took my many bags to JYP. I was so excited yet so nervous! I changed my phone screen from just Jeongin to all of Stray Kids so I they wouldn't think I'm a crazy fan.

I made my way to JYP listening to my music, luckily there was no rain so I didn't have to handle holding an umbrella with my suitcases.

Jay: I hope you have an amazing day today! I'm going to be really busy but if you have an emergency, call me :)

Me: Of course! I will be too so make sure you look after yourself and call me if you need me too :)

Once I arrived, the staff immediately recognised me and took my bags to their dorm for me. They handed me a key which I attached to my other keys. They spoke to me for a while as JYP was going to meet with me before taking me to train with Stray Kids. The staff were really nice and toured me around some of the building.

Once JYP arrived I suddenly became really nervous. I know I've already performed in front of him before but I never danced for him, so I'm nervous for that.

He was really friendly but was also serious because we had to discuss the terms of the contract again. Once that was done he showed me around the rest of the building before taking me to meet and train with Stray Kids.

"You seem nervous Y/N, are you a fan of Stray Kids?" He asked me and I nodded.

"They are my favourite group" I answered and he smiled.

"You know they are really friendly, they are excited to meet you!" He said smiling which was really reassuring.

He opened the door to the practice room and I followed behind him, they all smiled at me and I was overwhelmed. They're literally right in front of me.

"Boys this is our new trainee Hong Y/N, please welcome her and guide her well" He said and they nodded.

"Hello!" They all said at once, I smiled as they all started to introduce themselves.

"You don't need to introduce yourselves, she's a fan of you guys" JYP stepped in and they all smiled and cheered a little. "Get to know each other, and then start training" He said and we all nodded.

They all sat in a circle and made a space for me between Seungmin and Changbin.

"Since you already know us, tell us about yourself" Chris said and I nodded.

"As you already know I'm Hong Y/N, my birthday is August 8th 2001. I was born in California and lived there for 11 years but I moved to Korea with my parents. I moved away from my home is Busan to Seoul to start a new life" I said and they all smiled.

"Finally someone younger than Jeongin" Seungmin said and everyone laughed. Jeongin was smiling and Chris seemed confused, but I dismissed it.

We carried on talking, and I seemed to notice that Chris and Jeongin were sharing strange looks with each other. I tried to ignore it though. Just before we got up to practice Chris said one more thing.

"JYP said you're a fan of us, do you have a bias?" He asked and I shook my head, but I've never been a good liar.

"It's obvious you're lying and we met you half an hour ago, just tell us! We won't judge you" He said reassuringly and I smiled.

"It's Jeongin" I said and his face lit up, everyone awed and pinched either mine or his cheeks.

"Let's practice now, are you ready?" Felix said and I nodded.

"Do you know any Stray Kids choreographies?" Minho asked me and I nodded.

"I know them all, I just chose different people's parts for different songs" I responded, they were surprised.

"Perfect! Whoever you have learned the part of will swap out and observe. Don't worry! We aren't harsh" Hyunjin said and I nodded.

"We'll start with My Pace, who's part do you know?" Felix asked, selecting the song.

"I know Changbin's" I said, Changbin smiled and sat down to watch us. I was so nervous but I tried to keep my cool.

I kept up with them well and Changbin seemed surprised once I was done.

"She's really good!" He said jumping in excitement, which made me smile.

"Okay, next song is Miroh" Minho said.

"I know Minho's part" I said and he took a seat.

We danced and I felt even more nervous since his speciality is dancing, he must be judging me so much! Once we were done he smiled at me.

"I can tell you're nervous in your dancing, you are capable of looking so much more confident! We are your friends now, nothing less, loosen up and let's go again, okay?" He said and I nodded.

We danced to Miroh once again and he was smiling more this time.

"That was so much better, you're amazing Y/N" He said and I smiled again. This is the most loved I have felt in years.

We danced to a few more songs before we decided to do freestyle dancing. They shuffled songs with no choreography and Stray Kids danced almost continuously. They took breaks for water, but honestly, I had so much energy I didn't feel like I needed any.

Suddenly they stopped the music and were all looking at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked them, I felt slightly dizzy when I looked up at them.

"You've gone super pale! You need to rest" Jeongin said and I shook my head.

"I swear I feel fine! Come on guys, one more dance?" I asked and they gave in.

"Fine" They all said in unison before starting the music.

Once I was moving, I didn't feel dizzy again, I was recording Jisung and Minho dancing together because it was hilarious. Everyone was laughing at them, and the dizziness came back momentarily. I shook it off and continued dancing, but it only worsened. Once the song was over, everyone made their way over to the couches.

But I didn't make it.

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