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four months later...


Two months ago, I finally graduated from school! I no longer have to go there and I have gone full time in the higher paying one out of my two jobs; the coffee shop. I have been saving as much money as possible while trying to keep my Father's house running... hopefully I can make a break for it soon.

Three months ago, he stopped asking me to buy beer and instead has been asking me to buy wines, vodkas, rums and more. He's almost been drinking them as if they were beer, and his behaviour has been getting so, so much worse. He expects everything perfect, and if something is slightly wrong or out of place... all hell breaks loose.

However, I've been looking at the cheapest apartments in Seoul, since I want to move far away from here. Currently we live in Busan, so I want to go there and hopefully become a singer someday.

These last few months, I have to say I am definitely Jeongin biased, and I don't think that will change. I have relied on watching Stray Kids but in particular Jeongin to help me get through my days. He's helped me so much and all I want to do is thank him for it. Whether that be at a fan sign or if I manage to be signed to JYP Entertainment one day and meet him there.

As well as this, Jay and I have become so close! We're such good friends and despite our busy schedules we talk every day. We have wanted to call each other for a long time, but we just haven't got around to it. I really want to meet him one day! But I don't think I'll ever be that lucky.

I have almost raised enough money to move and rent my apartment for a few months and look after myself, while trying to find a new job in Seoul that I can transition to when I get there. I worked up the courage to tell my managers and now they understand my situation, they're helping me in a couple ways.

1. They've raised my wages a little bit, but not ridiculously, so it'll take less time to achieve my money goal

2. They've been trying to find jobs for me in Seoul for the time being, recommending me to different coffee shops with good wages even if they aren't advertising

3. All the tips given to staff go into a pot, and the managers have said this goes into the shop's profits but they're going to me. I feel bad but they said if anyone found out they would explain the situation anonymously.

They're also very supportive of my dream, which I am glad for. My managers are like an Aunt and Uncle to me. They look after me like no one else would, except my Mother, and make sure I am as okay as I can be.

I had just finished my Saturday shift when my phone buzzed.

straystay: you're off your shift now! i hope it was okay :)

skzglow: woah you're fast! it was great :) weren't you busy today?

straystay: i made time to message you once your shift was over :)

skzglow: oh my god stop being cute

straystay: IM NOT CUTE

skzglow: YES YOU ARE

straystay: NO I AM NOT

skzglow: YES YOU ARE

straystay: i can't keep up with this fine i'm cute

I won't lie to you, I've also started to catch feelings for Jay recently. It sounds stupid because we've literally only ever texted, but when you barely talk to anyone, that probably makes a big difference. Plus, he's been so helpful and supportive of me without even knowing my situation or my future plans. I want to tell him my plans now, I really feel like I can trust him.

skzglow: HA!

skzglow: anyways, i have some big news and I wanted to tell you now, i've been wanting to tell you for a long time but now i know it should be happening soon i'm going to tell you!

straystay: what is it??? i'm excited!!

skzglow: i'm going to move from busan to seoul! i want to start a new life and be independent :) as well as that, JYP auditions are coming up! so I wanted to audition too

straystay: WOAH WHAT

straystay: ARE YOU SERIOUS?!


skzglow: I KNOW RIGHT

skzglow: since you live in seoul, maybe we could meet one day?

I felt heat rush to my cheeks when I sent that, I hope I'm not being too forward.

straystay: of course! one day when we're both free :)

skzglow: YAY I CANT WAIT

straystay: ME NEITHER

straystay: also, did you hear about stray kids' comeback?

skzglow: YES OH MY GOD

skzglow: if i move in time i might go to one of their fan signs :)

straystay: DO IT

straystay: tell jeongin everything you want to tell him!


skzglow: i've already written a long letter that i hope he will read :)

straystay: i'm sure he will :)

straystay: are you planning on doing stay selca day? i'm not really up to it :/

skzglow: you should one day!! it'll be fun :)

skzglow: but yes!! i already have my pictures ready :)

straystay: are you doing it with jeongin?

skzglow: of course! i'll post it now :)

skzglow sent you a tweet
skzglow: HYPE ME UP

straystay: i was planning on it anyways!




straystay: i'm shocked i have a beautiful friend i-

skzglow: STOP I-

skzglow: you give me a lot of hype and confidence thank you so much :)))

straystay: you're welcome you deserve it <3

straystay: okay i have to go now :( i will talk asap

skzglow: :(( talk to you soon Jay <3

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