Chapter Five

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— Arrivals: Chapter Five —

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— Arrivals: Chapter Five —

"I'LL GO," JAMES VOLUNTEERED, immediately, everyone scoffed.

"Like we would let you use a ruddy time turner after what you did with the other one." Rose harshly mumbled, James bowed his head guiltily.

"Well, I'm already the messenger," Dominique said, causing the attention to shift to her. "I might as well go."

"But you don't know where it is," Tonks noted, "or do you?"

"No, I don't," Sighed the red-haired veela, "but I bet if one of you guys explain to me where it was, I'll be able to find it. I am a Hufflepuff, after all."

"No, we cannot risk you not finding it," Dumbledore told, the room went silent with listening as he spoke. "we'll need one of the next generation to go back, any volunteers?"

"Mine still stands."

"You're not going, James," Rose shouted. She then regained herself, "I'll go."

"No, I'll go," stated Louise, immediately, he got a smack on the back of his head by an angry Dominique. "like hell you're going, you're staying right here—safe and monitored."

"But Dommmmm," Louise whined, his eyes went wide after Dominique sent him a glare; he stopped whining and agreed with his sister.

James gasped, "So you care if he goes but you  don't care if any of us go?"

"Yes," Dominique said, tilting her head at James. "He's my little brother, I'm not letting him risk his life for something you did."

"None of us would die if we went back," Lily started, looking nervously toward Dumbledore, "right?"

"If the time turner is used correctly," Dumbledore began, a twinkle in his eye. "then you'll be fine, Ms. Potter. Whoever goes will just need to make sure they aren't seen or heard by anyone. Especially not themselves."

"I'll go," said Albus, no one heard him as his cousins and siblings continued to volunteer themselves. He bit his lip, looking to Scorpius who seemed to be the only one who heard him, the paint-covered boy wore eyes so wide they resembled an aliens ufo. "I'll go," he repeated, his voice louder and harsher.

Everyone turned to him, James immediately dismissed, "You aren't going."

"I am," Albus said, glaring at his brother with a blush filling his pale-white cheeks from all the attention. "I'm the one who was with Scorp when he kicked it up, I know where it is."

"So do I," Scorpius stated, he sucked in a deep breath, "I'll go with him."

"You absolutely will not," said a voice over the two way-mirror, Scorpius looked over to see his father looking through. "let Potter go, you, Scorp, stay with the others—safe."

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