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— Arrivals: Prologue — ——

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Arrivals: Prologue

          THEY CAREFULLY TIPTOED through the Forbidden Forest, avoiding every tree branch so they didn't accidentally give their positions away. The wind blew through the trees, magical creatures rustled on the branches and watched the newcomers with curiosity. James and Fred stood beside each other, both looking opposite directions to make sure either sides were protected.

In his hand, James Sirius Potter held a steel bucket. Inside were balloons filled with paint, a type of paint ever-so magically tainted to the point that a drop would be permanent for a month. Fred Weasley II, beside him, held a balloon in each hand—looking around the trees. Not paying attention, he stepped on a branch resulting in a loud crack to erupt throughout the area.

James and Fred froze, James looked at the boy with a 'what did you do?' expression, Fred bowed his head, ashamed at himself. Coming from behind a large tree, a balloon came hurtling toward James' face. He ducked, and the balloon splat against the tree behind him, covering the brown surface in green. The Weasley-Potter-Malfoy and previously Lupin clan were playing a game in which they played at least twice a year. They would all meet up in the Forbidden Forest, of course without the Hogwarts professors knowing, and they'd have permanent-paint balloon fights.

James looked up, surprise in his eyes and the feeling of betrayal deep in his stomach as he spotted his younger sister staring at him cynically. Lily Luna Potter, a Slytherin, was holding two green balloons in her heads. She had already taken out three people, her cousin Rose Weasley, the eldest and only daughter of Ron and Hermione—a Gryffindor. Lucy Weasley, the youngest daughter of Percy and Audrey—a Hufflepuff. Then only a few minutes ago, Louise Weasley, the youngest and only son of Bill and Fleur—a Ravenclaw.

"My sweet sister, how could you?" James dramatically asked, placing a hand over his heart. Lily only smirked before she threw another balloon at him, he ducked and threw one of his at her. It missed her merely by a few inches, however. she was going to get him back for that.

A little ways away from his siblings, Albus walked through the dark forest alone. A balloon in each hand as he warily looked at all the trees. He regretted splitting up from his family, he was not ready whatsoever to get eaten alive by a giant spider or a man-eating unicorn.

"State your name," Called a voice, their shadow peeking out from a tree. Albus jumped at first, but immediately sighed as he straightened himself with recognition of the voice.

"Scorp, it's me, Alby."

"Never can be so sure," Scorpius smiled, walking out from behind the trees and giving his boyfriend a kiss.

Albus stepped back, looking around, "You never know who's watching."

"Don't worry, no one's around," Scorpius smiled, he had already done a sweep throughout the area.

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