Chapter Three

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— Arrivals: Chapter Three —

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— Arrivals: Chapter Three —

          "WHO DIES?" SIRIUS ASKED, the room went silent. Even Hugo stopped his chewing of the freshly-baked chocolate chip cookies his young grandmother made for them. Rose looked around unsurely, everyone around her were either looking to the floor or just anywhere away from their 1995 family members.

        "Is it anyone in this room?" Molly Weasley asked with dread in her voice, looking to her family—barely even being able to imagine the pain of losing her children or husband. The arrivals stayed silent, Rose sighed and looked up to her grandmother, opening her mouth to speak. As she was about to say something, there was a thump from another room. Following that, loud curses coming from Walburga Black's portrait. Mad Eye Moody stood up, his wand drawn as he approached the door. He kicked it open and ordered for the newcomer, a boy around twenty with a familiar face, to drop his wand with his hands raised.

      Lily Luna stood up with curiosity running through her veins. Everyone else did the same, Remus Lupin and Sirius Black also had their wands drawn. Tonks stood in front of the arrivals in a protective stance, Rose couldn't help but smile. Lily gasped in delight at the sight of her godbrother, "Teddy!" she cheered, running towards him with open arms.

      She hugged the boy who stood a foot taller than her, he knelt down and hugged her back with relief seeping into his chest. He pushed her off of him a bit so he could ask, "Merlin, Lils, are you okay? Where the bloody hell are we? Is that—"

     "Mad Eye Moody?" Lily asked, amusement drawn on her features. Teddy nodded, staring at the man who now had a lowered wand—a confused expression on his face. "We've got a lot to explain, brother."

       The arrivals were all crowded around the door, wanting to say hi to their brother, cousin, and friend. The older generation were confused, just how did another child time travel to the Grimmauld Place?

       Lily grabbed Teddy's wrist and brought him to the room everyone else was at, "Look guys, Teddy's here!"

       "Merlin, Ted," James joked, "and I thought you were the smart one. How did you get here?"

      "W-Where exactly is here?" He asked, not noticing his mother and father who were both frozen. Didn't Lily say they had a son by the name of Teddy?

      "I think you mean when, Mr. Lupin," boomed a new voice. Teddy turned to see Professor Dumbledore, a kind smile on his face. Teddy was flabbergasted, his jaw hung open in surprise at the person in front of him.

       Tonks, gaining confidence, stepped into view, "Close your mouth lad, don't want to catch any vampyr mosps in your mouth, would ya?" Teddy's stomach lurched at the sight of the woman in front of him—his mother. The woman who was killed in the Battle of Hogwarts when he was only a few weeks old. "So, you're my son?" Tonks asked, delight spread on her features as his shock confirmed the questions she silently asked herself. Teddy looked to his cousins and siblings with an unreadable expression on his face, though he did seem extremely panicked.

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