25- Blood Moon PART1

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Chapter Twenty five - Blood Moon pt.1


Austin turned around in a swift move, glaring at one of the shifters walking behind him.

''Could you be any louder?'' He hissed sarcastically. The man dropped his gaze to the ground and made sure to step on places were not many crunchy leaves lay.

Austin had decided to divide the pack members into 3 groups. A group would go behind The Black's cabin and surround it. Another group with the stronger pack members would take positions in the middle of the forrest, directly aiming towards the cabin. And the last group, which was led by Austin, was the group to attack.

Austin's group slowly made its way towards the cabin, watching for signs of any guards that worked for The Blacks. The plan was easy, not too complicating, and just simple. Be careful, attack, stay in your defense mood, and try not to get killed while trying to kill a member of their pack.

The sky was slowly turning a shade of orange, with a mixture of red. And as much as Austin hated to admit it, he was terrified of what was going to happen next.

Every year, the same fear had to consume him and all pack members. In this day, not many were going to survive. Many families are going to lose their loved ones, and the pack would lose most of it's courageous shifters.

''Alright, everyone take your positions.'' Peter's whispering pulled Austin out of his thoughts.

He then noticed they were directly in front of the house, about 10 feet away. If they took just one step forward, they would be into the open and visible for the shifters guarding the cabin's door. He counted them, there were about 6 guards, each on one side.

Austin took in a deep breath, wrapping his palm tightly around the knife hidden behind his back, and put his hand up. He put three fingers up, and continued his calm breathing, he needed his strength for later on, he shouldnt shift now.

He slowly lowered one finger, and put two up. The shifters behind him were waiting eagerly to just attack and take away lives of those whom had taken away their loved ones years ago.

One of the shifters stumbled over a branch, letting out a groan of pain. With that being heard, two of the guards turned to the source of the noise, and their eyes bulged out of their sockets at the sight more than 40 shifters staring at them.

''Now!!'' Austin finally yelled, causing the shifters behind him to let out a shout and attack at the guards.

''Charles!'' One of the guards yelled, taking a knife out of his pocket. Not a second later, Charles - one of the other guards - appeared with shotguns and threw one at every guard.

One of them landed just near the guard Austin was fighting. He took the chance to punch the guard in the gut, and bend down to take the shotgun off the ground. Once he stood tall, the guard sent a punch to his jaw, causing Austin to wince and fall backwards from the surprise attack.

''Justin!'' One of the other guards struggling with two men yelled for help.

''Cant you see im busy?!'' Justin yelled, never taking his eyes off of Austin. He walked forwards, and stood on top of Austin, his legs both on each side. He raised a leg, about to step on Austin's stomach, when Austin kicked him where the sun doesnt shine.

Justin growled, bending forwards. Austin took the opportunity to punch him in the face. The guard fell backwards on the ground, clutching his nose. Without wasting a second, Austin picked up the knife next to him, and walked towards Justin.

He kneeled down and held Justin by his hair, pulling it backwards to give him access to his neck.

''Dont, Austin..'' Justin pleaded. Without hesitation, Austin let the knife slide accross his neck, and watched as blood splattered all around the ground and his shirt.

Austin left him on the floor as his eyes widened and he begged for air. He got up and hurried towards the cabin's entrance, seeing as the guards were taken care of by the shifters.

''Austin! Not yet!'' He heard Peter warning him as he fought with yet another guard.

Austin kept walking towards the cabin, not listening to what his friend was saying. Just as he reached for the door, he felt himself being yanked backwards roughly. He turned around just in time as a fist collided with his cheek, causing him to groan and stumble backwards.

"Don't even think about it, buddy." The man smirked. He bent down and pulled Austin up by the collar of his shirt. He didnt wait for him to recover from the earlier punch, he immediately set another one flying to his bottom lip.

Austin groaned and tried to push away from the guard, but it seemed too hard when his whole face felt on fire. He growled and released his hand which was blocking his face, and glared at the guard. But even that deadly glare didnt seem to stir a single emotion in him.

Austin prepared himself to launch forward, until he heard the loud noise of a gunshot, and the guard's eyes widening in fear.. and pain.

He watched as the guard fell on his knees, his eyes never leaving Austin's, and blood staining his shirt at the left side of his chest. The shifter fell face-forward on the floor, giving Austin full view of who had saved his life;


He felt all his anger biling up once again, and his eyes turned a shade of yellowish green. "What the hell are you doing here?!" He growled, stomping towards her furiously. Every step he took could be felt from within 10 feet away, a sign that he was so very close to letting his wolf take over.

"I-I tried to call y-you.. You wouldn't answer.." Alice started to stutter.

"Where is she?!" Austin growled once again. "Answer me!!" He yelled, causing her to flinch.

"She's.. S-she.." No matter how hard she tried, Alice couldnt bring herself to form a single coherent sentence. She gulped, and closed her eyes, not wanting to see Austin's expression once he find out the truth.

"She ran away." She whispered at last.


SORRRRYYY for the SUPER late and short update... I havent been on this account for a while now and I had absolutely no idea what to write in this chapter xD

But hey! I updated !!!!! At laaastttt.

Anyways thanks for sticking around and I wouldnt blame you if you didnt, I took a very long time to update and all dat shit. But anyways, only a couple more chapters and I'll be done with this book! Im thinking about writing a new one, and maybe once I'd did you'd check it out? :P

I'll update the second part SOOOON, see ya then!!

-Yasmeen xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2015 ⏰

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