1- A new home

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Chapter One



Happiness is when you are surrounded by your family, knowing that they love you and care about you. Its when you and your family share beautiful memories that would last forever.

Happiness is something the Moon's family havent experienced in a while. Ever since the tragic accident that caused Ellen Moon's death, the Moon family had been living in nothing but sorrow.

Paul Moon would wake up every morning glancing to his left, looking for his beautiful wife. It takes him a few minutes to realise that she's gone, and that she would never return. Luke Moon would always try to comfort his father and sister. Showing them that he's the strogest while in fact, he's just as weak as they are. Aqua Moon, the beautiful girl who once used to experience true happiness with her mother, has changed. She wakes up everyday from the same nightmare, feeling the same heartache. Never had she tried to stop for a second and realise it wasnt her fault her mother had left to the seventh skies. Having her father giving her the same look of disgust and hate never helped her forget the tragic accident and the lose of her mother.

Two years had passed by, and the Moon's family had yet been suffering from the heartache of losing the only reason that made them smile everyday. They had come to an end. Paul had finally realised it was time to end this sorrow. It was time for them to move on.

Aqua took on last glance at her childhood house as the car drove away. They had chosen to leave the country, it was the only way to move on. All the house did was remind them of their childhood memories and the times they had spent laughing over stupid jokes. The time they had spent as a family. To avoid feeling more pain, Paul Moon had thrown himself into works all day. He does nothing but work and comes back home at midnight when his children had finally went to sleep. Luke had spent his time in soccer and parties, forcing his sister to go with him to have some 'fun'. The parties were never the same. They werent fun anymore, they were just another sad memory to Aqua.

Luke and Aqua had never liked the idea of moving out. They didnt want to leave the house or the neighborhood. They didnt want to leave their friends and try making new ones, but they knew that they had too. They had to leave and move on.

As they all stepped onto the airplane, Aqua couldnt help but let a tear fall. Looking back at her country, closing her eyes while reminding herself it was for the best. England didnt seem like a bad idea, but Aqua just wished they could have stayed in America. If her father's job wouldnt have transferred to England, they could have stayed but at a different city. It was all too late, they were leaving. Aqua closed her eyes just as the airplane started to move, and hoped to drift off to sleep so she wouldnt think about it anymore


The Moon's family finally stepped out of the car that parked in front of their new house. England didnt look bad, it was a beautiful country. They shivered as the cold air hit them while walking towards their house. Aqua had noticed the house was a bit far away, close to a forest. The forest on the opposite side of the house sent shivers down her spine. It seemed as if there was no end to it. The setting of the sunset made it look a bit calmer, but the wind breeze moving the leaves made it sound scary.

The house looked beautiful, not too big but not small either. It was the same size as their old house. Aqua and Luke both headed to the second floor, looking through the rooms. Luke decided to pick the room on the opposite side of the house, and Aqua couldnt help but think it was because of the window's view. One room was left, so Aqua entered it. It was organised and neat, walls painted with light purple and white furnished. She stepped towards the window, that was giving a great view to the forest.

Blood Moon - (discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora