15- Another date

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Chapter Fifteen


Aqua's eyes fluttered open, blinking rapidly to adjust to the morning sun. She glanced around, gripping the bed sheets tightly and feeling her body run cold. Where am i? She thought. Aqua replayed the events of last night, last thing she remembered was falling asleep, in the car, next to Austin.

She sat up on the bed, figuring out that Austin had probably carried her inside the room. She looked around the room for him, but he was nowhere to be seen. Aqua thought that maybe he had woken up early and was downstairs, perhaps making breakfast.

She stepped out of the bed, glancing down at her body. That is odd, she thought. She wasnt wearing her clothes anymore. Instead, she was wearing a very large black shirt that stopped just below her knees, with no pants on. She started to panic, had Austin changed her when she was asleep? After all, Aqua was known a the heavy sleeper she was.

Aqua walked out of the room, bouncing down the stairs. She took the opportunity to look around. Austin's house was nice really, the hallway was filled with picture frames of him and whom Aqua assumed was his family. The stairs took place just at the center of the hall, so when you walked downstairs you would be straight in front of the front door.

She glanced at her left, the kitchen's doorway was closed. She entered the kitchen, expecting to see Austin, but was greeted by complete silence. The kitchen wasnt very big, but it was sure enough bigger than the one in her house.

Aqua walked out of the kitchen with a frustrated sigh. Had he left the house? But why didnt he leave a not of something?

Once she stepped into the living room, she got her answers to the questions. Austin was laying on his back on the couch, one arm on him stomach and the other hanging from the side of the couch. His lips were slightly parted, and his hair was messy, surely he had moved a lot during his sleep. With his almost pouting face and his eyebrows down, he looked as innocent as a child.

Aqua stared in awe, he was such a gentleman for sleeping on the couch and allowing Aqua to take the bed. She decided to take a shower while he was asleep and walked up the stairs again and towards the last bedroom on the left of the hall, the one she walked out of.

Once Aqua was in, she glanced around the room, looking for her clothes. She found them on the dresser, grabbed them, and hurried inside the bathroom, making sure to lock the door in case Austin accidentally walked in.

Aqua wasted no time, she pulled the shirt off, taking in a deep breath. Somehow, she found herself closing her eyes and taking in a breath after another. The masculine scent in the shirt overwhelming her. She mentally slapped herself, getting the thoughts of Austin wearing the same shirt then handing it over to her to wear out of her mind. Aqua stepped into the warm shower, feeling her muscles relax once the warm water connected with her skin.


After almost half an hour of showering, Aqua stepped out of the bathroom. Her wet hair was tied in a loose braid, and her clothes were on. She decided it was time to walk down the stairs and if Austin wasnt awake, she would do the breakfast.

Once she stepped out of the bedroom and into the hall, she could almost sense the smell of bacon and toast dancing through the air. She walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, Austin had his back towards the door, so he obviously hadnt noticed her walk in.

He was humming while holding the pan in one hand and moving the bacon with a spoon. Aqua looked at the small table in the middle of the kitchen, there was a plate with toasts and another with eggs and pancakes. 

Aqua decided to take joy in his obliviousness. Feeling an evil smirk cover her face, she stepped closer to him, with short and soft footsteps. She was about to scare him when the unexpected happened.

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