9- Kidnapped

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Chapter Nine


Austin clenched his fists, glaring at Trevor furiously. It only seemed to please Trevor watching Austin going mad. Aqua got up from her seat, giving Trevor a quick hug before pulling away and smiling happily. ''Hey Trevor! What are you doing here?'' She asked, completely oblivious of how mad Austin is going.

''Thought of coming for a walk. What about you? Here on a date with him?'' Trevor asked, glancing over at Austin who was still seated on the bench. When Austin noticed his mocking smirk, it made him tighten his grip, digging his fingernails into his palm.

''Oh no, we're just here as friends.'' Aqua laughed. She turned around to look at Austin, her smile disappearing right away as she noticed how red his face was, from anger. ''Austin? What's wrong?'' She asked calmly yet a bit shocked at his sudden mode swing.

Austin got up from the bench, forcing his hands to relax as he turned around to face Aqua. ''Aqua, do me a favor and wait for me beside that tree.'' He pointed towards a tree that was a bit far away from where they were currently standing at.

''What? Why?'' She asked confused but mostly annoyed. ''Just do it please.'' Austin pleaded.

''No i wanna stay here, its been a long time since i last saw Trevor and now we're all here together. Maybe we can hang out together for a bit longer.'' Aqua requested, looking between Austin and Trevor.

''Yeah, i'd like that Shortie.'' Aqua pouted when Trevor called her short once again, only causing Austin to get more furious over the fact that Trevor is acting so nice when he isnt.

''Aqua, wait for me by the tree, it wont take long.'' Austin insisted once again. ''No.'' Aqua crossed her arms over her chest, acting like a stubborn child.

''For God's sake Aqua just wait for my by the damn tree! i just want to talk to him for a little while, its not like im going to eat him or something!'' Austin almost yelled angrily.

''Dont talk to her with that tone.'' Trevor demanded, standing in front of Aqua protectively.

''You dont tell me what to do.'' Austin spit at him, pushing him away by his shoulders. They were already attracting attention.

''Stop, both of you.'' Aqua demanded furiously. ''What is going on between you two?'' 

Austin sighed, taking a step back and running his hand through his hair. ''I'll explain later, can you just give me a few seconds alone with him?'' He asked her sweetly. Aqua thought of not arguing anymore, so she nodded and walked away towards another bench as she sat on it, wondering what they were talking about.

''What the hell was that what you did last night?'' Austin whisper-yelled at Trevor once he was sure Aqua couldnt hear them.

''Remind me what was it that i did?'' Trevor smirked, playing dumb.

''You know exactly what im talking about. Why did you try hurting Aqua? isnt she supposed to be like your friend or something? She doesnt have anything to do with this.'' 

''Exactly, she is my friend which is why i tried scaring her yesterday. Austin if you dont use that little brain of yours, then you will hurt Aqua a way or another. A week is left, only a week. And if you didnt keep her away then she will get hurt. i wasnt planning on hurting her last night, i was just planning on keeping her away from you a way or another.'' Trevor explained through gritted teeth.

''You think i havent tried? She wont agree to stay away from me.''

''Woah bro, you make it sound as if girls can never stay away from you.'' Trevor laughed. 

Blood Moon - (discontinued)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora