Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Harry's P.O.V

"Mr. Styles you're going to have to learn to let her speak for herself. She'll never be able to fully recover if she can't even fight her own battles." I sigh, knowing that the nurse is right but not wanting to believe it. "She doesn't know how to protect herself," I argue. Dr. Tajerik is both Ana and I's therapist here. She claims to be the most understanding therapist in the whole hospital, but I feel like that statement is a bit far fetched.

"And she'll never know how to protect herself if you keep taking the lead. I know that she's been through a lot in a short amount of time but Ana needs to comprehend her emotions, not have them handed to her." Is she right? Am I really giving Ana what I comprehend her emotions as? That can't possibly be true. But a small part of me knows that it probably is. We aren't allowed to unpack into our room until we each have individual meetings with Dr. Tajerik, and we'v been here for about an hour. As if she can see the realization in my face, she smiles. "Mr. Styles we can continue this discussion next time. Probably later tomorrow." I nod and leave the room awkwardly, with guidance from a nurse of course. We haven't been left alone since we walked in the door earlier and now I might finally get to relax.

"Ana," I call out, seeing her sat down by the window alone, more than likely waiting for me. Her head turns toward me quickly, probably popping a bone in her neck in the process. The fear in her eyes is replaced with happiness as they meet mine and she stands up to greet me. She wraps her arms around my neck and I place mine around her waist. Holding her like this is one of the reasons I'm still alive today. Nothing but the feeling of her lips on mine can top this, but we can save that for a more private setting.

Her deep brown eyes hold a longing that I've never seen from her before. "It was only an hour and I missed you so much." Ana's words shoot butterflies into my heart and a slight blush onto my cheeks. "I missed you more Ana. Your hands are like ice," I can feel them through the shirt on my back. "It's cold in here," she mumbles. But it's not cold in here at all. "Let's get you to a nurse baby."

"No Harry, I'm perfectly fine, just cold that's all. Can we go unpack the stuff we got to bring?" It is a good idea, we hadn't got any time to unpack yet and it would make things easier tonight. It's already fairly late and Ana is obviously as exhausted as I am. We have about two hours to unpack and I meet some of the other patients that haven't gone to sleep yet. I guide her down the long, mint colored corridor to our room all the way down at the very end.

"I think I'm going to like this place Harry," Ana whispers beside me, grabbing onto my hand. "Me too, as long as I'm with with you." The smallest glimpse of a smile graces her lips before fading once again. I want her to be able to fully smile soon. And not a fake smile, a genuine smile. As soon as we arrive in the room, Ana runs and jumps onto the bed, something I would never expect from her. "What on earth are you doing," I laugh for the first time today. "I had to test it out," she blushes. I smile and walk over to her, planting my lips on her own in a gentle kiss. "You're fucking adorable Ana." My words cause her to blush even more before she lightly pushes me back. "Let's do this."


Half an hour later we're finished unpacking, our clothes in the closet, and a few blankets and pillows put on the bed. The institution is very cautious about what we're allowed to have in our rooms. We can't keep anything potentially dangerous in our room with us, in case we get any self harm urges. All of our toiletries are held in a closet in the front office, but at least we get our own bathroom with a shower included. I was told that it was the largest room in the entire institution, sure they could be trying to make me feel better, but it sure seems like it.

We have about an hour and a half to meet other patients now. "Ready to go make some new friends?" Ana groans but opens the rather heavy door. "Let's get this over with," she whispers before literally strutting her way in front of me to the lobby like area. This girl will be the death of me. I swear it.

**a/n short chapter but I hope that you enjoy! Yes, this is what modern day crisis centers are like(trust me I know), they aren't at a full time mental institution, those are far worse and I didn't want to include that harshness in my book, at least not yet.


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