Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


The kiss intensified quickly and Harry's tongue battled mine for dominance. His won obviously but it wasn't long before we were lying on the blanket with him on top of me.

A stick snapping in the distance broke our lips apart. Harry's head shout up and his eyes narrowed at the direction of the sound.

A man with curly hair walks out towards us. He's practically got an afro and it took everything in me not to laugh my bum off before I saw his face. If looks could kill I'd be dead.

"What the hell are you doing Harry," his raspy voice was practically a growl. I've heard that voice before, I know I have. Harry stood up taking my hand and pulling me behind him.

"You were supposed to bring me to her Styles, care to explain," the guy from the alley. When I helped that man that morning it was this man that was threatening him that night. What does he mean he was supposed to bring someone to him? Is he talking about me?


Fuck. He wasn't supposed to find us. It wasn't supposed to happen like this.

"Plans have changed Zach," I said slowly. I can feel Ana's grip on my jacket tighten every second. Ever since Ana helped the druggy from the alleyway, Zach has been dead set on killing her. I knew I couldn't just hand her over to be killed, I mean, who does that? I've been in gangs practically my whole life and I still can't imagine killing someone. If I have her to Zach I might as well hand him the loaded gun as well.

Zach thinks he can get whatever the fuck he wants but this time it sure as hell isn't going to happen. I can't even begin to describe the deep feelings I have for Ana. This lovely, shattered girl behind me already means more to me than the air all around me. She's meant that much since the second I saw her broken yet strong figure in the alleyway.

"Oh please Harry, cut the shit already and hand over the girl. She's obviously seen too much." She shaking behind me. I've done this to her, I'm scaring her. Fuck.

"Fuck. Zach she doesn't know shit, she just tried to help the guy up, nothing else. I haven't told her anything so there's no reason for her to be any trouble." She must be so confused right now.

"Well even if she doesn't know anything Styles," he starts, walking closer with every word. I hold Ana steady behind me while I back us away from him.

"She's still mine," his smirk sickens me. I hear a cry from behind me but I keep my stance. "No, she's mine Zach you already know that. You'll never have her I won't let that happen."

"But you already have," Ana whimpers behind me and wraps her small arms around my body. "I'll have her soon enough," Zach flips me the bird before walking off in the direction he came.

I turn slowly to Ana and hold her in my arms. "What the heck Harry," she had the opportunity to curse but she didn't. Adorable. I can't help but smile and I'm glad she can't see with her head on my chest.

"I told you I was in a gang and I'm sorry. I'll protect you better." Zach must have been the one to kill Eve and her boyfriend. Fuck my life. No, fuck that, Ana's my life I can't say that.

"You're lucky I love your hugs," she whispers against me and I laugh loudly. I'm so happy that she can make me laugh in these situations. "You're the most beautiful girl in the world Ana. Let's go home."

"Wait Harry," she stops us looking up at me with pleading eyes. "What is it love?" "Can we maybe stop and get some gummy bears before we go home," she looks down at the ground sheepishly. I can't help the laugh that escapes my lips. My lips are soon attached to hers in a passionate kiss. All I feel is happiness in this moment even though Zach was here just minutes ago. The life of a diagnosed bi-polar man I know.

Ana can't know about that yet, she'll think I'm even more screwed up than she already knows. She won't fall in love with me I know it.

I shake of my thoughts and smile down at my beautiful girl. "Of course love."

**a/n this is sort of a filler chapter but not really if you understand I love you. I still don't feel well and it's late so I'm sorry it's so short and crappy. This is such a poor quality of writing and I hate it. I'll fix it once I feel better.

Much love xx**

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