Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Harry's P.O.V

I haven't had gummy bears in about eight years. I enjoyed it, I really missed sweets. Ana and I sat on the couch just eating gummy bears for what seemed like hours. It surprised me how happy something so simple could've made me.

Louis came home at about nine stumbling threw the door. "Holy shit guys," he slurred.

Ana looks confused but we're both very amused. His hair is a mess and who knows what that stain is on his shirt. "Awesome party a couple blocks down. You guys have to come." Louis grabs my shoulders and I would've puked if I wasn't used to the smell of alcohol.

I don't need to go to a party, nothing good ever happens. They'll be pricks and thirsty bitches everywhere and I got sick of that. "I don't think so Lou," I try to calm him down about this. I don't need Ana to get even more hurt, she'll never talk to me again.

"Whipped," he screams at the top of his lungs. "Louis don't." He looks straight at Ana.

"You know before you came around," he stumbles but keeps his finger up. "He would've jumped at the thought. Getting drunk off his depressed ass and fucking any bitch in sight." Ana looks disgusted at me but she shouldn't be surprised. It's silent for a moment while I try to find the words to explain myself. I'm not like that anymore and I want Ana to know that. I need Ana to know that.

"Let's go Louis," she speaks standing up. "I'm gonna go change, I'll be right back." Dammit. I know she's trying to fucking prove herself or some shit. It wasn't even about me, I could just drink and forget shit and she fucking knows that. Right?

Ana's P.O.V

Hearing that about Harry irritates me. I know he's changing now but I don't want him and his friends to think he's whipped because of me. He has freedom to do what he wants, he's just protective of me. I need to prove to his friends that I haven't changed him too much. It's not that I want him to drink, I really don't want him to drink, especially after what Louis told me. He just needs to get out for a while.

I change into my black tights, tattered jean shorts and white top. I slip on a belt and red flannel with some rings and such to top it off. With my combat boots on I run back down the stairs.

Let's do this.

Harry and Louis are waiting for me downstairs but I walk right past them and out the door. I'm going to try to get through this without thinking much. I want to have fun.

I walk into Harry's car and sit myself in the passenger seat. Right now, I feel nothing. I want to feel something, anything, and maybe this will do it for me. I know how Harry can make me feel but I don't deserve to feel that way. He deserves someone who can make him happy all of the time instead of dragging him down.

Harry sighs when he gets into the car but drives off anyway. "Just don't forget how much I care about you Ana. You've got to be careful." I let Harry's words sink in, realising now how truly stupid in being. But there's no turning back now. I'll just stay by Harry's side the entire time, unless he doesn't want that. He grabs my hand in his while we drive to the nearby party.

We pull up next to a huge house, colored lights filling the windows. People are scattered around the front yard, obviously drunk. The smell of alcohol and other substances slaps me in the face when I step out of the car.

Harry grabs my hand once I walk through the door. My dull eyes find his beautiful green eyes quickly. "Stay by me Ana." I nod and walk to the direction the kitchen must be in. I want to feel something besides the race of my heart from Harry's touch. Falling for him so fast is suicide, but I can't help myself.

Someone hands me a red plastic cup and I put it up to my lips. Harry refuses an offer but I think nothing of it. The liquid is strong and burns as it rips down my throat. Before I know it my cup is empty and I can feel my thoughts slowing clouding. This is magical.

I grab another cup and down it as fast as possible. All I want now is to feel nothing but my thoughts of Harry, and only Harry. "Please be careful love," he whispers in my ear. I nod and go for another cup.


About five drinks of what Harry calls cherry vodka are down my throat my thoughts are gone and all I see is Harry and the beating of my heart. My hands find his face as my lips attach to his.

I'm surround by people, maybe more drunk than me, but I don't care. Harry's here and that's all that matters.

"Can I have a piggy back ride," I ask pouting my lips. "You have to promise me something first," he shouts above the music. I nod and he takes me away from the ton of people drinking in the kitchen. Here in the hall it's a bit quieter.

"Don't let them see you smile Ana." I furrow my brows, very confused. Hazza always wants me to smile, but now he doesn't care.

"It makes you vulnerable." He pulls me into his strong arms and I feel at peace. "I want you to smile because of me not false feelings," he whispers once again in my ear and I understand.

"I promise," I kiss his neck. Before I can continue kissing him he pulls away and turns around. I'm confused for a moment before he bends down. My piggy back ride. I clap my hands and jump on. Harry easily carries me into the living room. "I'm sorry I'm heavy," I whisper in his ear.

"You weigh absolutely nothing. You're perfect, stop that," he says sternly and I stay silent.

He places me on the floor before sitting on the couch and pulling me into his lap. I look around at the dancing people around me, smiling with blazed eyes.

"How are they all so happy Harry?"

"Sipping love from bottles love. They're buying their happiness not finding it. It's all artificial my dear, utter bullshit. Sure some of them are genuinely happy, but most of them are just trying to forget their pathetic lives like I wanted to."

I sigh. "What made you not want to anymore?" "You're my life now and I never want to forget that."

I hide my blush my ducking my head into his neck. Harry rubs my back while I kiss his neck softly. "Do you want another drink love," Harry asks over the pounding music.

I shake my head and look up at him. "I want to go back home with you," I ask with pleading eyes, praying that he agrees. Judging by his wide smile, he does.

"As you wish love."

Once we're back to Harry's house, I stumble through the door. The alcohol still seems fresh in my brain.

I hear Harry shut the door behind me and I immediately start to take off my clothes, only wanting to get out of the heat.

"What are you doing Ana," Harry asks concerns and a bit flustered. "I'm hot," I whine, causing him to laugh and mutter something I can't make out under his breath.

I sigh and continue with my stripping, pulling off my shorts and tights once I get up the steps. "Ugh," I groan and fall back into the bed.

Harry's P.O.V

Ana is lying on the bed dressed in only a bra and panties, testing my self control. Sighing, I pull off my t-shirt and jeans.

I grab one of my shirts out of the closet, I pull the black fabric over her small body. Ana takes my breath away every single time I see her, even like this. Drunk off her ass but still lovely. I'm falling hard and fast but screw it.

"Get some sleep baby," I place her under the duvet and climb in next to her. She sighs once she's in my arms and cuddles to me even closer.

"Goodnight Harry," her lips kiss my bare chest and I fear that she can feel how fast my heart is beating. I can feel hers now as the pace matches mine, and I can only hope it's because of me and not the alcohol she consumed tonight. "Goodnight love," I kiss the top of her head and slowly fall asleep.

**a/n I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a really long time. I've been very invested in my other fanfiction, Lost and Found. But I'll try to start updating this again more.

Much love xx


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