preference 4 » avenger best friend

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THOR: Clint. Having a boyfriend that was so boisterous was the reason you were great friends with the skilled marksman, his chilled out vibes and laid back personality helped ground you when the love of your life was being overly-excitable.

STEVE: Bucky. After meeting your boyfriend's best friend from the 40's you couldn't help but become friends too, you helped get him used to terms with the modern world. The 3 of you were like the three musketeers when together.

BUCKY: Tony. You were friends with Tony before you had even met Bucky that's why he forgave you for being on team Cap and after finding out your boyfriend alter ego killed his parents, you were the reason Bucky and Tony bothered to try and be civil.

TONY: Loki. Sarcasm was something your boyfriend and Loki had in common, that's what drew you to the trickster in the first place. It's a strange friendship, and many people thought Loki would soon betray or hurt you, but he never has.

CLINT: Steve. You and Steve had two totally different personalities, but that brought balance to your friendship; he was noble and honest, and you were wild and mischievous. Being Steve's friend, however, didn't save you from the eyebrows of disappointment.

BRUCE: Thor. The God of Thunder quickly became your best friend after your first meeting; you loved his childishness and the way he gives you puppy dog eyes when he wants you to do something that might get the two of you into trouble.

LOKI: Bruce. Bruce is a mild-mannered, shy and analytical man but he also held a lot of guilt because of the Hulk, who you care for just as much as you do Bruce, with your help he and the big guy manage to coincide with each other peacefully.

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