1 - Sarah

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Life, as I understood, was a collection of never ending worry and anxiety. To add to that, it was one, big question mark.

I mean, I did have friends, but not really. Turns out, that they wanted what was best for me. Or at least one of them did.

Now that meant leaving me to fend for myself, and being an absolute, complete loner. She kept telling me that she was a bad influence on me.

However, she also decided to take everything away from me. And by everything, I mean everything - my life, my then-boyfriend, and probably a piece of my existence. I don't know of anyone crueler.

However, I was in the market for a new friend, but as they always say, good things come to those who wait.

So I had just left high school behind, only hoping that history wouldn't repeat itself.

I woke up to my alarm at 6:30 am, grudgingly, of course. I hoped that my first day would go okay, and I dragged my sorry ass to the bathroom. My insecurities overwhelmed me when I decided to look in the mirror, and I didn't pay much heed to it. I applied paste on my toothbrush and started brushing away (with my eyes closed) only to be interrupted by the alarm again. I guess I had put it on snooze.

After freshening up, I decided what to wear. Now, I never wore fancy clothes, primarily because I didn't like them. Why wear Gucci when you can always opt for comfortable hoodies and a pair of black skinnies? Oh, and not to forget, a good pair of Nike or Adidas trainers. Now you know what I decided to wear.

I went to fetch my bag that I had prepared the night before and made sure I had all my essentials. I grabbed my glasses and my car key and walked out after making sure that everything was where everything had to be. And then my eyes fell on an envelope, obviously addressed to me.

I never understood why I got the letter. Catherine decided to keep me out of her life, yes after taking everything away from me. And also my depression got worse, and I couldn't help but question her decision to send me the letter. The date on the envelope read 22nd February 2016

It was posted 4 months after I went through the worst night of my life a couple years ago, and I promised myself that I wouldn't open it until I was ready. And I really wasn't.

By now it was 7:45 am and it was my first day of school, and I didn't want to be late. I locked the door, and climbed down four flights of stairs, and then turned left to the parking lot. My hazard lights blinked twice when I pressed the unlock button on my remote, and I started my car. I waited a few minutes to warm the car, and backed up on to the main road. It was quite empty. Warning Sign by Coldplay was queued up automatically. Ironically, it turned out to be a song that Catherine told me to listen to.

The clock on my dashboard read 8:10 am when I reached the school's parking lot. I parked my black Audi, and walked up to NYU's main entrance. I said a small prayer with my eyes open of course, for Mum, Dad and Bryan, and also for my day to go okay. Just then, from the corner of my eye, I saw a couple of guys smirking, obviously me being the object of their interest.

I sighed, turned away and hoped my day would go okay.

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