Give Yourself To Me

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Stan faltered.

Roxy could see it, she could see the moment his eyes flashed with realization and panic. She couldn't quite bring herself to take a step back, but she kept her gaze trained on his, waiting for an answer.


He fumbled slightly, jaw working soundlessly. "Saw your name in the recipients list to that town newsletter email that went out last week about flooding precautions. RomillyH at, right?"

She attempted a smile, but was fairly certain it only came out as a grimace. "That's me."

Amy Winehouse's voice filled the tavern, echoing off of the walls in the sweetest way. Stan swallowed hard, his adam's apple bobbing slightly. It was his turn to look nervous, eyes flitting away from Roxy's face.

"C'mon, let's dance." She grabbed his hand and pulled him out onto the dancefloor, ignoring the nagging voice of concern at his knowledge of her name and odd behavior. Stan looked immensely relieved, wrapping his hands around her waist. She moved hers to rest on his shoulders, and took a moment to realize how tall he was. He towered at least half a foot over her, and that was quite impressive, considering her own height of 5'7.

The two swayed softly to the beat. Roxy could feel the flush in her cheeks, burning thanks to the alcohol and hormones surging through her blood being so close in proximity to Stan.

"See, you're a natural." Stan smiled as he spun her. She giggled, nearly tripping over her own feet, but he caught her in the moment she lost her balance, holding her flush against his chest.

Her hair spun and bounced slightly on her shoulders, a lock of it falling across her face. The music spun like thread around them, sewing their bodies together into one. Roxy rested her head against his chest, listening to the sure and steady beat of his heart. Their movements had fused, fluid and languid in rhythm to the song. The warm weight of his hands on her hips was intoxicating, Roxy never wanted him to let go. Although her head was pressed to his chest and she couldn't see him, she knew his smile matched hers.

The song faded into another, and another, and they twirled and twisted and danced until they were both panting and drunk on the night. At the end of a song that Roxy was too buzzed to even pay attention to, Stan twirled her and dipped, and she squeaked in delight as he panted over her, a radiant smile warming his flushed face. His eyes flickered over her lips, lingering there for a beat before returning to meet her stare.

In that moment, all Roxy wanted in the world was for Stan to lean down and bridge the distance between their lips. She wanted to feel his mouth on hers, to taste the rum on his lips. He seemed hypnotized, mesmerized by her, and it was exhilarating.

"HEY! Blondie! I told you we'd meet again."


Stan pulled her back upright and it took Roxy only a moment to put a face and name to the distinctive voice. Levi. She tensed, whipping her head to the side and meeting Levi's stare.

"I didn't know you'd be here, doll! I could have bought you a drink!"

Levi seemed oblivious to the fact that Stan was still holding Roxy, glowering at him. Roxy shifted on her feet, suddenly feeling dizzy and claustrophobic.

"Hey Levi." She addressed him with a weak smile. Couldn't he have waited like ten seconds to interrupt? Tension was radiating off of Stan in waves, she could feel his white-hot stare shift from her face to Levi's, and then back to hers.

"I see you've met my good friend Mr. Darcy...!" Levi chimed, elbowing Stan in the ribs playfully. Stan didn't even wince, nor did he move. He only stayed frozen, still and stone-faced.

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