Chapter 15

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Tonight was amazing. She was mine again and that other half was filled. The only thing was, I was leaving for another tour in just 2 days. I don't want to be away from her that long. Maybe she can come with me!?! No, no. Her dad would never allow her to go away for 2 months with a bunch of boys. Even saying that sounds weird. Wait! My mom will be with us. So we will have a parent there. YEA! I'll ask her tomorrow.

**the next day**

When I got up I texted her to meet me at the park, because you know, that's like our place. It was officially now cold outside so I just through in some sweatpants and my old MAGCON Hoodie. when I got there I saw her sitting on on the swing on her phone.

She didn't notice me so I decided to sneak up behind her and scare her. i tiptoed right behind her then.....

"AAAAHHHH" I screamed

"AH!!!!" she has such a girly scream

"What the hell Hayes! You scared me!"

"Aw I'm sorry baby." I came up to her and engulfed her into a big bear hug.

"It's okayyyyyyyyy."

I intertwined our fingers and we started to walk. We were just talking about random things until I finally decided it was time to ask her.

"So Hannah."

"So Hayes."

"You know how I leave tomorrow for another one of our tours.."


"Well me and my mom were talking and, well, how about you come with us?"



"OMG HAYES YES!!! Wait. My dad. He would never let me leave for 2 months."

"Can you just ask him? I REALLY want you to come."



I just texted my dad and I'm really hoping he will say yes.

ME- Hey dad, so um Hayes just asked if I wanted to go on tour with him and Nash for the next 2 months and I REALLY want to go and Mrs. Elizabeth will be with us the whole time and I will have my own room so anyway can I go? please please please!!

DAD😛- No Hannah! You can't just go away for 2 months with a bunch of boys.

ME- But mrs Elizabeth will be with us the entire time.

DAD😛- Let me talk to her real quick.

Five minutes later he responded back.

DAD😛- She said that she will be there the whole time will some other adults so I guess you can go. But you have to call me as soon as you get off the plane.








he picked me up and spun me around and then we ran back to his house. I helped him pack and then around 5 I went home to go get packed. I packed everything I needed and was ready to go to the airport tomorrow. I got ready for bed until sleep finally took over .

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