Chapter 9

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After that she walked away and went down to sit with Hayes. I walked into the Cafeteria and I wasn't just going to sit with them. I saw an empty table so I just sat there. Poking at my food. I really messed up. Hannah was amazing and I should've pushed Melanie off when she kissed me. UGGGGG why do you have to be so stupid!!!! Considering that this is the 8th grade, the word spreads really quickly. Now since I'm known as a cheater no girl will ever date me again.

I was sitting and enjoying thinking until, speak of the devil. Melanie comes and sits at my table.

"Hi Ashy!"

"Go away Melanie."

"No. Nobody's letting me sit at a table with them because I'm now a slut. So since nobody's letting you sit at a table either, I might as well sit with you."

"No Melanie! Your the one that screwed up my relationship AND your a slut!! So just go. Nobody wants you here because according to a lot of other people, you screwed up their relationships too!"

"Okay be that way. But I want you to know that you kissed back. Your as guilty as me." she said that with a stupid little smirk. I wanted to slap it off of her, but I respect girls and I would never hit one.

If Hannah won't take me back as a boyfriend, I'm gonna at least try to get her back as a best friend.


After school Nash picked us up and Hannah looked a little bit down. I didn't like it.

"What's wrong?"

"What do you mean." she put a little fake smile on her face. now I know something is really up.

"Why are you so upset?"

"I'm not upset."

"Hannah. I know you. And that little fake smile wasn't fooling anyone."

"Your not going to stop until I tell you are you?"


"Okay well, I went to get my lunch out of my locker and Ashton came up to me and wanted to talk to me about why he cheated on me. I gave him a minute and he explained the whole story and said he was really sorry and was hoping that I could forgive him. He asked if I would take him back. I said no and he walked away really sad and now I feel bad."

"Well, you are with me now,and that is all that matters. Wait, why am I doing all this mushy gushy stuff? You are mine and I am NOT sharing"

"Okay, okay calm yourself. You're getting jealous huh?"

"Shut up, Hannah," I said as I wrapped my arms around her.

She smiled and I have to say. It was adorable. The thing about Hannah is that I can be myself around her and she won't care. Hannah HATES overly mushy gushy guys, so I could say shut up to her and tell her she looks like shit and we would both just laugh. I've been in a lot of relationships and if I ever said shut up to one of them they would go off crying and not talk to me for like a week.

Nash then snapped me out of my daze.

"Hey Hannah, how about you just come to our house and I can drop you off at like around 8 or something. Do you want to?"

"Yea sure! Let me just text my dad. He said yes!"

"Good because I'm doing a new video for YouTube and someone needs to keep Hayes from interrupting."

"Okay Nashy will do!"

FINALLY MET YOU   (Hayes grier fan fic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu