𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 8

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3rd P.O.V

The following days Y/N still pushes her food away, and some guys walk towards her and flirt with her, but she barely pays attention to them. What she didn't know is that in the corner of the cafeteria, Myojin Aki was observing, and he had a dark expression while looking at those sick bastards who tried to flirt with Y/N.

Night came, and Myojin Aki had a dream.


He was on a field, looking at his surroundings.

'Where am I?' He thought. Suddenly, the wind started to blow, and a silhouette appeared.

"Who's there? He asked, but the person didn't answer. He got a clear image of L/N Y/N, wearing a white dress a moment later.

'Why is 3077 here?' He asks in his mind, but then he sees that she extend her hand towards him. He hesitated a little, but then he accepted it. Now the next thing he knew was that they were running together, with hands holding, and the last thing he saw was... her smile.

End of dream

Myojin Aki's eyes open and look at the ceiling of his room, trying to understand what happened.

'From that dream, she was there... I feel different when she's around, not only attracted by her physic.' He thought, and he realized something Myojin Aki was starting to feel something for L/N Y/N.

On the other hand, Y/N wasn't getting better, and she was in her cell looking at the ceiling, with her mind drifting away. Suddenly she heard the door opening but didn't bother to see who it was.

'As always, he enters my cell. And for what reason, maybe?' She thought.

"3077. 3077, I see that recently you haven't eaten anything." He said but didn't gain an answer from her.

'Who cares about what he'll say to me. Maybe another punishment or something' But her thoughts were interrupted, suddenly in a flash before her eyes; he pinned her down on the bed, she blushed by the sudden action.

"Pay attention to what I'm saying. I brought you something to eat." Said the purple-haired man.

"I'm not that hungry, thank you very much" She refused.

"You haven't eaten for three days, and you'll starve to death. Eat what I brought." He repeated, and again she said no. Seeing that it's not going to work, Myojin gets up to think about his next strategy.

'Finally, he understands the message. I don't want anything and prefer to die.' Y/N thought, but suddenly she felt that his hand held her chin, and he kissed her.

'There's something on my mouth... it tastes delicious... like... a tomato' She gulped it and didn't bother to push the purple-haired man away, also feeling his tongue domain hers causing her to melt away and moan a little.

It lasted a minute or two, and Myojin Aki unlatched his lips to hers. A string of saliva appeared between their mouths, then he got up again and before he left the room.

"I cooked tomato soup for you. You better eat right now." Said Myojin Aki and shut the door.

'Why would he cook for me?' She asked herself while starting to eat the soup. A couple of minutes later on, she got a conclusion of the purple-haired man's action.

'Is it because he likes me?' The thought reddens her face, but she shakes her head.

'That's not good, and I already have a boyfriend waiting for me outside. How can I like someone who sexually assaults me many times?' Felt guilty when that came into her mind, and a moment later, she finished the soup.

But then she mumbled, "I wonder... is it because he makes me feel different when we have sex... even though it's against my will?"

That kept her mind busy for the rest of the day.

A/N: Special thanks to my Co-writer IlseBonilla5, who wrote this Chapter. Thank you very much for helping me❤️ See you guys in the next Chapter.

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